Why Is English Language Important - Part II

People not only travel to places worldwide for business and pleasure, but they leave their homeland and travel to another country for study purposes as well. Travel to any country on this earth and you would find English as the main medium of teaching, as it is practically impossible for a new person to study in the local language of the country, in particular. Hence, education has, by far, increased the importance of English to a great extent.
Same Country

In a vast country like India where people from different cultures live, their languages largely differ. Under these circumstances, English is the only and best option, as it is not possible to learn the local language of every other place that you travel to. English easily bridges the gap and helps you to connect with people, even if they speak a different language or dialect.

Though internet has developed into various other languages, English still remains as the core language for most internet users. Most of the information and websites are available in English only and it becomes very difficult to translate every appropriate page into the language of the concerned country. With the growth of the internet into education and E-commerce, the use of the English language, by default, is bound to grow.

Parents residing in an English-speaking country are bound to face difficulties in raising their children, who mostly attend an English school nowadays, if they themselves aren’t able to understand English. For instance, if the teacher of your kids does not speak your native language, you will definitely have problems in communicating with him/her. Furthermore, if your kids bring back homework to be done in English, you will be of no help to them if you do not understand the language.