Review Quiz
Close your computers and do a review of the vocabulary from the previous lessons. Your teacher will read out the definitions of the vocabulary that you have learned so far. If you know the vocabulary, say the answer out loud to your teacher.
Main Characters

Open up the Vocabulary Exercise in the Lesson Documents above. Please don’t use translation dictionaries, websites or apps. Instead, work with your partner or group and use the conversations and examples in the Vocabulary Exercise to help you figure out the vocabulary.
Watch today’s part(s) of the movie. Listen for the vocabulary that you have learned and notice the pronunciation and how it’s used. By doing all of that, you will better remember the vocabulary and you will see how to use it correctly and naturally.
The key to remembering vocabulary is to use it again and again. That’s what you did as a child learning your first language. The same thing works when learning a second language. Therefore, please be sure to use the new vocabulary in your answers to the following Discussion Questions.
- What happened at the end of the movie?
- Why did Tyler’s father change his behaviour to Tyler and Caroline?
- Why do you think Ally went back to Tyler? If you were Ally, would you have gone back to Tyler?
- Do you think Ally’s father accepted her decision to go back to Tyler?
- What is the message in the movie?
- What did you like about the movie?
- What didn’t you like about the movie?
- What didn’t you understand?
Reviewing As A Class
Close your computers and do a review of the vocabulary from today’s lesson. Your teacher will read out the definitions of the vocabulary that you have learned so far. If you know the vocabulary, say the answer out loud to your teacher.
Reviewing Individually
Choose vocabulary from today’s lesson that you want to remember. Then, highlight all of this vocabulary. Next, schedule time in your calendar for one week from today and one month from today to review this vocabulary. By reviewing like this at scheduled times, you will remember the vocabulary much better.
Vocabulary Test
- You are now going to have a vocabulary test. Your teacher will choose vocabulary that you have learned from this movie, and will read out the definition(s) along with an example sentence.
- You need to write down the vocabulary connected to the definition, making sure that you spell correctly too. Each question is worth one point including correct spelling.
- Open a new Google Docs document on your computer and turn off spell checking by clicking Show spelling suggestions from the View drop-down menu so the check mark (✓) goes away.
Other Activities
Taboo Vocabulary Game
- The teacher will divide you into teams to play a vocabulary game called Taboo. In this game, one person in each group turns her / his back to the TV / whiteboard / blackboard. This person is the Guesser.
- The teacher will put one of the vocabulary items from the movie on the TV / whiteboard / blackboard.
- The other people in that student’s team describe the vocabulary to the Guesser. They can describe the vocabulary by explaining the meaning, by saying similar words or by saying opposite words. They can’t say the exact word or a form of the word, spell the word or use any acting or body language, because this is an English speaking game! If you are the Guesser and you know the vocabulary, say it loudly so your teacher can hear you! The first of the Guessers to correctly guess the vocabulary gets a point for their team.
- Switch to a different Guesser every 3 points.

Sentence / Dialogue / Story Writing
Work with a partner or by yourself to write a summary of the movie using as much of the vocabulary from the movie as possible. Please underline or bold this vocabulary to make it easier for you and your teacher to see.
If you like, you can use the information in this document to help you write your summary.
Movie Review
Work with a partner or by yourself to write a review of the movie using as much of the vocabulary from the movie as possible. Please put the vocabulary from the movie in bold to make it easier for you and your teacher to see them.
- The actors starring in the movie and the characters they play.
- Who the movie is directed by.
- The genre of the movie such as comedy, science fiction (sci-fi), action, drama, romance etc.
- If this movie is similar to / reminds you of another movie.
- A summary of the story.
- Things that you liked in the movie.
- Things that you disliked about the movie.
- Whether or not you recommend that people see it, along with how many stars that you give the movie, or a thumbs up or down for the movie.
If you like, you can use the information in this document to help you write your summary.
Write A New Scene
With a partner / group write a new scene involving two or more of the characters from the movie. Re-use vocabulary from the movie that you’ve learned, and bold it to make it easier for you and your teacher to see.

My Prequel / Sequel
Make your own prequel or sequel for this movie. With your partner or group, talk about a prequel or sequel for this movie and then write out your ideas.
- The characters that will be in it.
- The things that will happen to them.
- When the story will take place.
- Where the story will take place.
Character Story
Work by yourself, with a partner or group. Choose one of the characters from the movie. Imagine you are that character. Write your story about what you did in the movie. Re-use vocabulary from the movie that you’ve learned, and bold it to make it easier for you and your teacher to see.