Objectives & Sequence: This activity is intended to be used as a review of Grammar 3-1.
Intro Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 4
Students work in groups of three to four. Each student is given the beginning of a story. One student reads their story beginning to the group. The student then continues the story by describing an event. The rest of the group then asks the student detailed questions so as to prompt the student to continue the telling of the story.
Students should focus on using the Past Simple and Past Continuous to properly describe each story. When the story has become difficult to continue, students should switch roles.
Student One's Situation: A man was landing on a lake...

A man was landing on a lake. Suddenly, the water in the lake started to become very rough with large whitecaps.
What did the man see in the water?

He saw a large white wave.
What was the white wave doing?

The white wave was growing in size as it got closer to the aircraft.
What did the white wave look like?

The white wave was really a very large dark green wall of water capped by a white froth as it was breaking.
- I was walking away from the hangar fire...
- My friends were having a tour of the damage at the airport caused by the earthquake...
- When I was 14 years old...
- A man was fighting an aircraft fire...
- My brother and I were experiencing air turbulence the other day...
- A woman was studying aviation accidents at the library...
- While Joe was working beside the active runway...
- I was waiting in line at airport check-in counter...