Objectives and Sequence: This lesson is intended to be used as a review of Grammar 3-3.
Read and listen to the following conversations. Then, practice them with a partner:
Nicole and Joe

Hey Nicole! How are you doing?
I’m great Joe. How is your new job?

It is fun. I am a factory worker for BMW. I make engines.
Wow. That is great. I am happy for you.

Thanks Nicole.
Mark and Steve in a taxi

Hey. Thanks for picking me up.
No problem. My name is Steve. Where do you want to go?

I want to go downtown. My name is Mark. Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you too. What do you do for a living Mark?

That’s a funny question. I am a taxi driver like you. I drive cars.

Jeremy and Kayla

Hey Kayla! So you are a salesperson. What do you like about your job?
There is a lot. I really like to talk with customers and find them a great car.

What else do you do at work?
I do a lot of paperwork and reading. I have to learn a lot about cars.

That’s cool. Do you like it?
Yeah. It is a good job.

Sandra and Mike

So why are you an engineering student?
I really think it is interesting. I like the classes so far.

Is it hard?
A little. I have to study a lot of math, but I like math.

You’re crazy.
Come on. Math isn’t that bad.

George and Juan

I crashed my car yesterday!
Ohh man. That is bad. Are you ok?

Yeah. I am fine, but my car needs to be fixed.
My cousin is a body shop technician. He can repair cars.

Ok. Does he repair windows too?
Yes. I will call him for you.