Build Hobbit house
AdultsConstructionCreativityNature...Today I Build a Hobbit house and I am planning to grow grass on the roof.
Primitive Technology: Wood shed and Native bee honey
AdultsConstructionNatureDIYIt has been raining here quite a bit in what should normally be the dry season. The wattle and daub hut is standing up well despite this (see video).
Primitive Technology: Blower and charcoal
AdultsConstructionNatureDIY...I made a blower and some charcoal at the new area in order to create higher temperatures in for advancing my material technology.
The Bullwhip || Mail with Mike
AdultsHumorInternet CultureSocial Media...This week I unboxed a Ukelele, a pasta maker and a bullwhip. Thanks to Jack for hand making this. I set about learning how to crack it.
Primitive Technology: Sling
AdultsCreativityNatureTechnology...A sling is a weapon used to fire rocks farther and harder than could be thrown by hand alone. I made this sling from bark fiber that I made into cord.
This Week I Learned to Blacksmith with Alec Steele
AdultsCreativityGadgetsTechnology...This week I learned to blacksmith with Alec Steele. I forged a Scottish knife called a sgian dubh.
Primitive Technology: A-frame hut
AdultsConstructionNatureTechnology...I built an A frame hut as a large work space for projects. First I made a celt hatchet to cut timber for the hut.
Chainsaw Art // 60 Second Docs
AdultsArtCreativityDIYThere's something dangerous about Stacy Poitras' sculptures. One mistake while carving could result in a ruined chainsaw carving...or even worse. But that's to be expected when he's using a chainsaw as a paintbrush.
Primitive Technology: Shrimp Trap
AdultsCreativityFoodTechnology...I built a shrimp trap from lawyer cane, sticks and vine. Then I caught some shrimp and ate them.
Cardboard House
AdultsBusinessConstructionEnvironment...Customize and Build Your Own Cardboard-Based House
Woven bark fiber
AdultsConstructionNatureTechnology...I made a rough type of textile from bark fibre. This is the same tree I use for making cordage though I don't know its name. It has been raining a lot here lately (the video also shows how well the hut stands up to rain) and this caused a large wattle tree to fall down taking a few smaller trees with it.
$99 3D Printer For Your Smartphone
AdultsGadgetsTechnologyDIYWhy write when you can get a robot to do it for you?
Black Forest Oreo Cookies | The Scran Line
AdultsCreativityFoodCooking...The Scran Line makes homemade Oreo cookie sandwiches with a cherry chocolate ganache center. Dedicated chocolate lovers will not be disappointed!
DIY CNC Laser Engraver
AdultsConstructionTechnologyGadgets...Watch A Laser Engraver Built From Scratch In This Hypnotic Video
The Reclaimed Wood Shop (the power of the dark side)
AdultsConstructionCreativityVisual Design...This Guy Decorates A House By Himself And It Is Unexpectedly Amazing
Cord drill and Pump drill
AdultsGadgetsNatureDIYI made a cord drill and then upgraded it to a pump drill. A cord drill is basically a spindle with a fly wheel attached so it looks like a spinning top. the middle of a piece of cord is then put into a notch at the top of the spindle. The ends of the cord are then wrapped around the spindle and then pulled quickly outwards causing the drill to spin. The momentum of the fly wheel causes the cord to wrap back around the spindle in the other direction. When it stops the cords are pulled outwards again and the drill spins in the other direction.
Most Impressive Fan-Made Lightsaber You've Ever Seen
AdultsCreativityDesignTechnology...My second lightsaber (Graflex Saber) demo video. Both chassis are completely self-constructed and hand crafted. It's still a prototype.