AdultsSmrt LiveWritingGrammarEducation... In this video, we will discuss the function of and rules for the semi-colon in English writing. Students will learn how and when to use this punctuation mark properly and effectively in their academic writing.
Sentence Fragments
AdultsSmrt LiveWritingGrammarEducation... This video is on sentence fragments, which are a common problem in students' academic writing. Students will learn how to identify the problem and how to avoid or correct it.
Subject Verb Agreement
AdultsSmrt LiveWritingGrammarEducation... This video is on the importance of subject-verb agreement in English. Students will learn what the problem is as well as how to identify it and avoid problems in their own academic writing assignments.
Writing Good Sentences (Part 3)
AdultsSmrt LiveWritingGrammarEducation... Mark explains the importance of using subjects and verbs to avoid making sentence fragments. This lesson is for intermediate students.
Writing Good Sentences (Part 2)
AdultsSmrt LiveWritingGrammarEducation... In this lesson, Mark explains how to start and end every English sentence. This lesson is for students at an intermediate level.
Writing Good Sentences (Part 1)
AdultsSmrt LiveWritingGrammarEducation... Mark give tips on how to write good sentences. In this lesson, Mark explains that every sentence in English needs at least one subject and verb. This lesson is for students at an intermediate level.
Present Passive
AdultsGrammarSmrt LiveEducation Mark explains the passive voice and how it is used in the present simple and present continuous tenses. This lesson is for students at an intermediate level.
Future Events Based on Timetables
AdultsGrammarSmrt LiveEducation Grammar used to describe plans future events based on timetables. This video is for students at an upper-intermediate level.
Intentions and Plans (Part 2)
AdultsGrammarSmrt LiveEducation Grammar used to describe intentions and plans. This video is for students at an upper-intermediate level.
Intentions and Plans (Part 1)
AdultsGrammarSmrt LiveWriting Grammar used to describe intentions and plans. This video is for students at an upper-intermediate level.
Predicting the Future (Part 2)
AdultsGrammarSmrt LiveWriting Mark explains common English grammar used when predicting future events. This video is for students at an upper-intermediate level.
Predicting the Future (Part 1)
AdultsGrammarSmrt LiveWriting Mark explains common English grammar used when predicting future events. This video is for students at an upper-intermediate level.
State and Dynamic Verbs (Part 2)
AdultsGrammarSmrt LiveWriting Mark gives more information about state and dynamic verbs. This video is for students at an intermediate level.
State and Dynamic Verbs (Part 1)
AdultsGrammarSmrt LiveWriting Mark explains the difference between state and dynamic verbs. This video is for students at an intermediate level.
The Present Continuous Tense
AdultsGrammarSmrt LiveWriting Mark explains the form and usage of the present continuous tense. This video is for students at an intermediate level.
The Present Simple Tense (Part 2)
AdultsGrammarSmrt LiveWriting Mark explains the meaning and use of the present simple tense. This video is for students at an intermediate level.
The Present Simple Tense (Part 1)
AdultsGrammarSmrt LiveWriting Mark explains the form for making the present simple tense. This video is for students at an intermediate level.
Have and Have Got (Part 2)
AdultsGrammarSmrt LiveWriting Mark explains the meaning and usage of the phrase, "have got." This video is for students at an intermediate level.
Have and Have Got (Part 1)
AdultsGrammarSmrt LiveWriting Mark explains the difference between using "have" as an auxiliary verb and a full verb. This video is for students at an intermediate level.