
Europa: Ocean World

Youth Space
Scientists believe there is an ocean hidden beneath the surface of Jupiter's moon Europa.

The Absurd Search For Dark Matter

Adults Space
Astronomers think there should be 5 times as much dark matter as ordinary matter – a shadow universe that makes up most of the mass in the universe.

VFX Artist Reveals The True Scale Of The Universe

Youth Space
If The Earth was shrunk down to the size of a tennis ball, how big would the universe be?

You Are Not Where You Think You Are

Adults Space
Look around you. Where are you? Where is this place you are occupying? Somewhere in a room, maybe in a city on a continent on a planet orbiting a star in a galaxy among billions. But… where is all of that?

Food And Culture On The Space Station

Youth Space
Learn about the intersection of food and culture in space from NASA astronaut Sunita "Suni" Williams.

Planetary Plants

Youth Space
What could plant life look like on other planets?


Youth Space
What is geoengineering, is it really an option and what if it goes wrong?

A Picture of the Milky Way's Supermassive Black Hole

Adults Space
This is an image of the supermassive black hole, Sagittarius A*, at the center of our Milky Way galaxy.

NASA's Exoplanet Superheroes

Youth Space
A superhero team of space telescopes has been working tirelessly to discover exoplanets and unveil their secrets.

The Huge Hexagon-Shaped Storm on Saturn

Youth Space
The sun is slowly rising over Saturn’s north pole, exposing an immense six-sided hurricane.

How To Find A Galaxy

Youth Space
Knowing the addresses of a thousand galaxies yielded a remarkable picture of our universe.

The Largest Known Star

Youth Space
What is the largest star in the Universe? And why is it that large? And what ARE stars anyway?

Stars For Kids

Kids Space
On a dark clear night, you can see a sky full of stars. But what is a star?

Are There Rainbows On Mars?

Youth Space
NASA scientist Mark Lemmon explains why the Red Planet is a rainbowless world.

Could a solar storm destroy modern civilization? - Fabio Pacucci

Adults Space
Explore the science of solar storms, and find out why they occur and just how prepared we are for a major event.

What Is A Blue Hole?

Youth Space
Shark Week expert Luke Tipple explains the natural phenomenon of marine sinkholes.

Is Everest The Tallest Mountain?

Youth Space
It turns out that where you measure from is really important!

Looking For Another Earth

Youth Space
In the last few years, scientists have discovered thousands of exoplanets - and a lot of them are surprisingly weird.

Avalanche Dogs Of Mount Bachelor

Youth Space
At Mount Bachelor in Oregon, there's a special unit of workers dedicated just to avalanche rescue—and the training starts young!

What's The Difference Between Asteroids, Comets, And Meteors?

Youth Space
Asteroids, comets, and meteors: what's the difference?

Tour Of The Galaxy

Youth Space
Depart Earth’s surface and fly through the solar system to the edge of the Milky Way, discovering objects at increasingly distant locations from Earth.