Creating and Giving Presentations - Step by Step Summary

  1. define purpose
  2. gather content and presentation ideas
  3. structure the subject matter
  4. develop how to present it
  5. prepare presentation
  6. practice
  7. plan, experience, control the environment
  8. 'dress rehearsal' if warranted

Prepare the Presentation

Points to remember: why are you presenting? what's the purpose? to whom? how? when and where?, audience, venue, aims, equipment, media, subject, outcome aim, audience reaction aim, type of presentation, brainstorm, mind-map, random subject-matter collection, be innovative and daring, what's the WIIFM for your audience (the 'what's in it for me' factor - see acronyms), materials, media, exercises, gather spice, case-studies, statistics, props, quotations, analogies, participation, syndicates, anticipate questions, know your knowledge-base and reference points, decide your prompt system - cue cards, notes, whatever suits you best.

Create and Design the Presentation

Points to remember: plan the structure, tell'em what you're gonna tell'em, tell'em, tell'em what you told'em, rule of three, intro, close and middle, create your headings and sub-headings, assemble and slot in your subject-matter, spice and activities, plan early impact and to create a credible impression, consider attention spans and audience profile to get the language and tone right, add spice every 5-10 minutes, build the presentation, prepare equipment, prepare materials and props, create your prompts or notes, dry-run practice, timings, create fall-back contingencies, practice, get feed-back, refine, practice and practice.

Deliver the Presentation

Relax, you have practiced and prepared so nothing will go wrong, enjoy it, the audience is on your side.
