Answering questions correctly (and politely) is difficult in English.  However, there is good news! The first word in a question tells you how to answer the question.

Question Word Answer Example
Who Person
  • Who did you meet yesterday?
  • I met Omar.
What Thing
  • What do you study?
  • I study English.
Where Place
  • Where are we meeting?
  • We are meeting at Starbucks
When Time
  • When does class finish?
  • Class finishes at 3:15
Why Reason “because …”
  • Why do you like the movie?
  • I like the movie because it’s funny.
How + be Adjective
  • How are you?
  • Im good (fine/sad/tired/scared).
How + do By + noun
  • How do you get good scores?
  • I get good scores by studying.
How long Period of time
  • How long is your class?
  • My class is 3 hours (10 minutes, 2 days, etc.)
How long + have For + period of time /
Since + start time
  • How long have you studied English.
  • I have studied English for 5 years/Since 2007.
How much/many + noun Quantity
  • do you have?
  • I have a lot (a little, some, none, 20 sentences, 5 pages)

If your first word is an auxiliary verb (do, be, have, can, will, etc.), you answer “yes” or “no.”For a full answer, add the subject and then repeat the auxiliary verb (+ “not” for negatives)

Auxiliary Verb Questions Short Answers Full Answers
  • Are you writing?
  • Was she dancing?
Yes / No
  • Yes, I am / No, I am not
  • Yes she was / No, she wasn’t
  • Does she like candy?
  • Did you study?
Yes / No
  • Yes, she does / No, she does not.
  • Yes, I did / No, I didn’t.
  • Have you been to Paris?
  • Has she eaten sushi?
Yes / No
  • Yes, I have / No, I haven’t.
  • Yes, she has / No, she hasn’t.
Can / Will / etc.
  • Can you sing?
  • Will they go to the movie?
Yes / No
  • Yes, I can/No, I can’t.
  • Yes, they will/No, they won’t.


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