This will help you to become familiar with the criteria used to mark your Task 2 essay.

If you know how the examiner is going to mark your essay, it will help you to avoid common mistakes which will lose you marks. Also, reading other essays will help you to see what makes a good essay, and to recognise common mistakes.
First, quicky read through this sample essay:

Link to sample essay

Next, open up the table in the exercise section. This table shows the four criteria the examiner will use to mark your essay. They are:

  • Task fulfilment
  • Coherence and cohesion
  • Grammar
  • Vocabulary

Use the questions in the table to ‘mark’ the essay. Discuss this in your group as you read through the essay. Try to find examples of good writing, and add them to the table. Is the essay perfect? Can you find any errors which could lose marks?

