Compound Modifiers

Another way to use modifiers is to combine two or more descriptive words together to create a compound modifier. Compound modifiers are great because they present the information in a compact way instead of creating a long sentence.

Using compound modifiers Trail mix is a high-energy food for hikers.
Not using compound modifiers Trail mix is a food for hikers that can give them a lot of energy.

As you can see, the first sentence, using compound modifiers, is much shorter and cleaner than the second! Compound modifiers are used immediately before nouns just like other adjectives are.

Most compound modifiers are made up of the following combinations.

number + noun a two-hour hike a twelve-passenger van some ten-dollar bills
adjective + noun a stainless-steel pipe the low-budget option a high-risk activity
adjective/adverb + participle an unusual-looking puppy a wheelchair-bound man a high-ranking official
adjective + noun + ed a kind-hearted person a soft-spoken boy the three-legged race
noun + participle chocolate-covered peanuts a dream-fulfilling vacation blood-curdling scream

In a compound modifier, plural nouns become singular. For example, it is a 'two-hour hike' not a 'two-hours hike.'

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