There are so many objects around us every day. We learned about many of them in this unit. For this project, you will be investigating your own everyday object!

First, you have to choose one everyday object to research. It should be something common and simple. Here are some ideas!

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It is a good idea to choose something that you see or use every day. You might not want to choose a complicated machine that requires a good understanding of technology. It might be hard, for example, to explain how a motherboard works!

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Of course, if your understanding of technology is good and you want to try...go for it!

For some things, like a pencil, it is more interesting to find out how it is made. Everyone knows how a pencil works! For other things, though, like a can opener, it will be much more interesting to find out how it works.

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Write everything you can find out about how your item in the 'Research' activity.

Then, you will need to put together a step-by-step explanation of how your object is made or works. You can do this in writing, in picture form or in whichever way you want.

Here are some examples.

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Either way, you should first plan out your steps in the 'Step-by-Step' activity.

Finally, when you have all your research in place, you will have to present your findings to your class. Include your step-by-step in your presentation. You might want to make a poster, prepare a Prezi, record your own video, or even create a story or song. The choice is up to you!

Hopefully, you will learn about a lot of cool things and how they are made. Good luck, and have fun!

