Objectives | Grammar | Reading |
Saving LivesStudents explore vocabulary and topics related medical professionals as they save lives. Auxiliary VerbsStudents review the role of auxiliary verbs in establishing time and aspect meaning within a sentence. Time and AspectStudents review the different aspects tenses convey in English sentences. The Passive VoiceStudents practice how to make a sentence in passive voice, but more importantly, when and why they should do so. |
1-1 Auxiliary VerbsStudents practice using the auxiliary verbs, be, do, and have in making affirmative and negative sentences, questions, short answers, question tags, and reply questions. 1-2 AspectsStudents review the common meaning shared by all tenses used in the simple, continuous, and perfect aspects. 1-3 Active and PassiveStudents practice why and how the passive is used in English as well as the use of impersonal subjects such as they in the active voice commonly used in casual language. |
1-1 In The NewsVocabulary and reading comprehension activity about the topic of viruses. 1-2 In The NewsReading comprehension activity about the topic of battling HIV. |
Writing | Media | Speaking |
1-1 Writing a Paragraph - Topic SentencesStudents examine basic paragraph structure and focus on how to write an effective topic sentence 1-2 Writing a Paragraph - SupportStudents examine the concept of unity within a paragraph and learn how to develop the main idea with relevant supporting points. 1-3 Writing a Paragraph - Concluding SentencesStudents continue their examination of paragraphs and how to write effective concluding sentences. |
1-1 Organ DonationListening activity based on the possibilities of organ donations around the world. 1-2 How do vaccines work?TED ED video discussing how vaccines came to be and how they help us against disease. |
1-1 Unit IntroductionUnit introduction conversation activity. (group work) 1-2: Vocabulary RoleplayGroups discuss and roleplay a medical scenario in a variety of jobs. 1-3 Photo DiscussionStudents generate photos to match unit vocabulary and discuss with the class. 1-4 Questions and ReviewStudents reflect on their understanding of the unit with a whole class Q&A. 1-5 Applied LearningStudents work together to master a certain grammatical aspect of the unit and teach to the rest of the class. |
Vocabulary |