Intro Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 4

Students work in pairs and take turns asking questions presented in the following pages:

  • What does mental health mean?
  • What comes to mind when you think about mental health?
  • Is mental health more important than physical health? Why or why not.
  • Do you know any mental health problems? Can you explain them?
  • Are you worried about the mental health of anyone you know?
  • Are there many people with mental health problems in your country? Why?
  • What does your government do for people with mental health diseases and problems?
  • How can society help people with mental health problems or stop people from developing them?
  • Do you think modern society increases the likelihood of mental health problems? Explain.
  • Has your mental health changed over the years?
  • What causes you to be in a bad mood?
  • What is the relationship between sleep and mental health?
  • One of the most common mental health problems is depression. How can we help people who suffer from this?
  • If a person commits a bad crime and they have mental health problems, what should society do with them?
  • How do we help the homeless with their mental health?
  • Do you think countries or cities need mental health help after a tragedy? Why or why not?