
Why Monkeys Can Only Count To Four

There’s an island in the Caribbean where David used to perform magic tricks for monkeys.

These Iguanas Have An Unusual Mating Tactic

Crested iguanas were discovered on Fiji in 1979, and since then we've learned a lot about their behaviour, including their strange mating rituals. But how exactly did they end up on such a remote island in the first place?

The Science of Going Viral

When we say a meme goes “viral,” we aren't actually saying it's making people sick. But the math behind a meme’s spread suggests it's actually a pretty spot-on analogy.

12 Predictions for the Future of Technology

Techno-optimist Vinod Khosla believes in the world-changing power of "foolish ideas." He offers 12 bold predictions for the future of technology — from preventative medicine to car-free cities to planes that get us from New York to London in 90 minutes — and shows why a world of abundance awaits.

The Rock That's Helping Us Find the Origin of Life

Epidote might just look like a pretty little crystal, but it has a secret. thanks to the high-pressure circumstances where it forms, we can use it to help us uncover the origins of life on our planet, and maybe even find signs of life on Mars.

What Jumping Spiders Teach Us About Color

How jumping spiders reveal an entire secret world of colors. Let BetterHelp connect you to a therapist who can support you - all from the comfort of your own home.

Enter the Kingdom of the Great Apes with National Geographic

Prepare to enter the kingdom of the incredible species of great apes. "Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes" is now playing only in theaters.

What Jumping Spiders Teach Us About Color

How jumping spiders reveal an entire secret world of colors.

Plants Are Hardcore: Plant Anatomy & Physiology: Crash Course Biology

Plants may not seem like they’re doing much, but if you look closer, you’ll find a whole world just lurking beyond the surface.

Does Expensive Coffee actually taste better?

Coffee beans are one of the most confusing items to purchase, so over the past several weeks, I bought 20+ different kinds of coffee at different price points, visited a local roaster, tried roasting my own beans at home and tested a bunch of types of coffee in order to understand the flavor and price differences of coffee beans.

Real-Life Spider Shoots Web 25 Metres Long!

Which marvel of nature can build a 25m orb web with a silk that ranks as the world's toughest natural fibre? The answer is the Darwin's bark spider.

Protecting the Queendoms

Female leaders will stop at nothing to protect their empires! Animal queens across the globe and under the sea must remain fierce to ensure the survival of themselves and their lineage.

Lioness sisters fend off an intruding lion to protect their cubs | QUEENS

Shani and her sisters must fend off the intruding male lion before he kills her cubs.

The Billion-Dollar Problem in Education

Standardized testing is deeply woven into the fabric of US education, but does it foster genuine learning?

Musk Oxen Vs Arctic Wolves | Animal Super Parents | BBC Earth

In the Arctic tundra, a herd of musk ox are up against a pack of hungry wolves. Will the parents successfully protect their calves from the predators?

Inside the Illegal Ape Trade | Trafficked: Underworlds with Mariana van Zeller

Mariana van Zeller follows the ruthless and heartbreaking business of the illegal trade of wild apes. But amidst the darkness, she encounters a beacon of hope – Congolese activists fighting tirelessly to protect these apes from vanishing forever.

Hyena Clan Attacks Baby Elephant | Savanna Queens | National Geographic

The Elephant herd fights with the hyena clan before they can take baby Binti as a midnight snack.

How This Guy Runs a 5 and a Half Minute Mile...Backwards | WIRED

Ever tried running backwards? Meet Aaron Yoder, one of the world's fastest backward runners who can complete a reverse mile in five and a half minutes.

Why Steve-O risked his life over, and over, and over again

You know Steve-O. Now meet Steve Glover, as the professional stuntman talks to us about pain, insecurity, and never finding contentment.

Why Climbers Trust Rubber With Their Lives

Why is rubber so “sticky”? Why does rubber consistently have one of the highest coefficients of friction?

6 Tips on Being a Successful Entrepreneur | John Mullins | TED

Sometimes, you need to break the rules to innovate — but which ones? Entrepreneurship professor John Mullins shares six counter-conventional mindsets for entrepreneurs looking to think strategically, navigate challenges and change the world.