Presidential Historian Answers Presidency Questions | Tech Support | WIRED
AdultsEducationHistoryInternet Culture...Presidential historian and head of the George Washington Presidential Library Lindsay Chervinsky joins WIRED to answer the internet's burning questions about the American Presidency.
Wagner writes about how the he worked and studied in Vancouver
AdultsEducationBusinessCulture..."The hospitality program at Canadian College opened doors for my future in the industry. The diploma allowed me to study and gain practical experience, complementing my previous education in Brazil. The faculty and staff were always supportive."
What does Machiavellian mean?
AdultsLeadershipPhilosophyPoliticsWhat if a person is a good leader… and a bad person? In this episode of Crash Course Political Theory, we unpack that idea through the lens of Machiavelli’s famous treatise, “The Prince,” and find more questions than answers.
Baby Skinks
YouthAnimalsEnvironmentNature...Learn about these cute Yakka skinks and meet the little ones that have just joined the family.
Let's Play Hide And Seek
ChildrenECEE1Entertainment...Ready or not, here they come! Join Elmo, Abby Cadabby, Cookie Monster and their friends Ms. Rachel and Mr. Aron for a fun game of hide and seek!
Mysterious Water Suspension
YouthExperimentsHow-toPhysics...The goal is to suspend the water in the container upside down, without any glue or other adhesives.