
The true cost of gold - Lyla Latif

Adults Life
Dig into how foreign corporations exploit African nations like Mali for their gold mining, and often rob them of proper compensation.

Paleontologist Answers Dinosaur Questions From Twitter

Adults Life
Paleontologist Dr. Hans Sues answers the internet's burning questions about dinosaurs. Why did T-Rex have such tiny arms?

Do Rhinos Eat People? | Weird Animal Searches | BBC Earth

Adults Life
Can rhinos walk backwards? Why do they charge? We answer some of your top searched questions about rhinos.

How To Make Your First Budget (At Any Income)

Adults Life
Here is the second episode of The College Student's Guide To Money! In this episode, Chelsea walks you through everything you need to know to make your first budget, no matter how much money you have coming in.

Biologist Answers More Biology Questions From Twitter | Tech Support | WIRED

Adults Life
Biologist Thor Hanson is back to answer even more of the internet's burning questions about biology.

Puma Risks Life to Hunt | Dynasties II | BBC Earth

Adults Life
Pumas are masters of stealth, and they have to be. Making a wrong move when hunting a fully-grown guanaco can be a fatal mistake.

The Territory | Official Trailer | National Geographic Documentary Films

Adults Life
he Territory, from director Alex Pritz, provides an immersive on-the-ground look at the tireless fight of the Indigenous Uru-eu-wau-wau people against the encroaching deforestation brought by farmers and illegal settlers in the Brazilian Amazon.

Change Your Life – One Tiny Step at a Time

Adults Life
Change Your Life – One Tiny Step at a Time

Synchronous Fireflies

Adults Life
Seeing a sparkling carpet of fireflies in your backyard can be a magical experience.

Choosing a Specialization | Crash Course | How to College

Adults Life
Now that we have a better grasp on chosing majors, let's talk a little about specializations. There's a lot to talk about, from declaring a minor to just taking electives that help you get an edge in the job market.

Surviving a Coyote Ambush | Something Bit Me!

Adults Life
In Longmont Colorado Andrew Dickhage is ambushed by a pack of Coyote while walking to work at 4am.

You Are Not Where You Think You Are

Adults Life
Look around you. Where are you? Where is this place you are occupying? Somewhere in a room, maybe in a city on a continent on a planet orbiting a star in a galaxy among billions. But… where is all of that?

How Is Your City Tackling the Climate Crisis? | Marvin Rees | TED

Adults Life
"If we can unlock the full potential of our cities, we can minimize the price the planet pays for hosting us in our growing numbers," says Marvin Rees, the Mayor of Bristol, UK, who understands deeply how cities can help (or hurt) the environment.

Finding Your Place | How to College | Crash Course

Adults Life
One of the most challenging parts of going to college is feeling like you belong. You're away from home, maybe for the first time.

Raiding a Killer Bee Hive | Primal Survivor: Escape the Amazon

Adults Life
While traveling through difficult terrain in the amazon, Hazen Audel assists a local village with raiding a killer bee hive.

Building Two Story Craft Villa

Adults Life
In this video we going to show you our most creative luxury villa, with a private living room, luxury bamboo décor and a roof.

How Tough is the African Buffalo? | Bad Natured | BBC Earth

Adults Life
Gillian Burke has always been inspired by the African buffalo. But during an encounter with this iconic animal while filming, she realises why they have earned their reputation of being dangerous... and resilient. 

Top Ten English Study Hacks

Adults Life
Here's 10 HACKS you can do to enhance your English learning!

How To Study For Exams Like A BOSS | Study Tips + Tricks!

Adults Life
Hi Lovely and welcome to my channel! I'm Jess, (AKA Study With Jess) and I'm the founder of Educationery, as well as a YouTuber, actor, writer, producer and author (yep, I sure like to keep busy!).

The Tree that Survives Without Rain| Earth’s Great Rivers II | BBC Earth

Adults Life
In the midst of dry season, while most trees loose their leaves, the apple ring acacias at the Zambezi River is full of life, providing shelter and food for the animals.

Woman Becomes Part of Elephant Herd | Wild Thailand | BBC Earth

Adults Life
Lek has rescued many abused and domesticated elephants in Thailand. She looks after them in her sanctuary and has formed a deep and personal bond with the elephants she helps.