Wide Open World Of Adjectives

Wide Open World Of Adjectives

Write 2 sentences about the topic.

Topic: Donkeys love.....

Illustrate your writing.

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Describing Words 2

Sometimes we use one describing word in a sentence.

I have red hair.

Sometimes we use two describing words.

I have wavy, red hair.

Sometimes we use many describing words.

I have nice, long, wavy, red hair.

The order of the describing words is very important. It must always be:

Number - 1, 2, 3, a, this, that, the

Opinion - cute, nice, funny

Size - big, small, tall, long

Age - new, old, young

Shape - round, square, circular, curly, wavy

Colour - green, red, black.

I see three, nice, youngfriends over there.

Write the words in the correct order to make a sentence.

  • have
  • red
  • I
  • hair.
  • short
  • long
  • hair.
  • black
  • She
  • has
  • little
  • I
  • see
  • a
  • scary
  • fish.
  • I
  • house.
  • a
  • have
  • cool
  • is
  • green
  • juice.
  • yummy
  • This
  • That
  • drink.
  • red
  • is
  • yucky
  • a

Write a sentence using the describing words in the correct order.

cute red

angry two

brown empty

tiny green

red yummy

colourful huge

Phonics Stories - Greedy Monkey

Phonics Stories - Greedy Monkey

