The biggest difference between the present perfect and the present perfect continuous is that the present perfect is about a thought or activity that is completed, but the present perfect continuous is about a thought or activity that is still going on.

Present Perfect I've visited my grandmother at her home.
Present Perfect Continuous I've been visiting my grandmother at her home.

The first sentence tells that I have gone to my grandmother's home before and I am done.

The second sentence tells that I have gone to my grandmother's home before and I am still going regularly to visit her. I am not done.

Talking about Recent Past Activities

When you are talking about something that happened very recently, or have just finished, use the present perfect continuous. We often use the words 'just,' 'lately' or 'recently' in these sentences.


I've been dreaming a lot about ham lately.


My dog's been bringing me a lot of sticks recently.


Let me sleep because I've just been exercising!

Making Excuses

Sometimes we use the present perfect continuous to make excuses when we say sorry for something. It is a good tense to use when offering an explanation.


I'm sorry I haven't called. I haven't been feeling well.


Her homework is incomplete because she's been watching too much TV.

listening to music

Sorry I didn't hear you. I've been listening to music.

Making Conclusions

Sometimes we use the present perfect continuous or the present perfect to make statements when we figure something out, or come to a conclusion.


My cake's gone! Someone's been eating it!

messy room with books

I can't find my book. Someone's hidden it.


This stove is still hot. Someone has been cooking here.


Open the exercise to begin the activity. Follow the instructions in the document.

