More Passives

In this lesson, we'll be looking at how to use the passive in the future and in the present perfect.

Future Passive

The future passive is a passive sentence that tells you what will happen in the future. We can use the future passive in two ways: with "will be" and with "be going to." Most of the time they mean the exact same thing.

Future Passive with "will"

Subject will be past participle by + noun
Assignemnts will be graded by teachers.

Future Passive with "be going to"

Subject is going to be past participle by + noun
Assignemnts are going to be graded by teachers.

Present Perfect Passive

The present perfect is used when something has just happened. To use the present perfect passive, you need "has/have" + been.

Subject "has/have" been past participle by + noun
Assignemnts have been graded by teachers.

Here are some more examples that compare the three different types of passives we learned in this lesson.

Future Passive with "will"


The child will be scolded.

The car will be washed.

Will the floors be polished?

Future Passive with "be going to"


The child is going to be scolded.

The car is going to be washed.

Are the floors going to be polished?

Present Perfect Passive


The child has been scolded.

The car has been washed.

The floors have been polished?


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