
Most Hardcore Soldier: Spartan

Adults History Human World
What was life like for a Spartan solider in ancient Greece? Was it anything like the movie "300"? In today's educational cartoon we are going back to the ancient times to look at how the warrior Spartans lived.

What Shark Is Attacking Tourists?

Adults Animals Human Society
After multiple attacks in the tourist hot spot, the Seychelles, researchers try to determine which type of shark is the culprit.

Handmade Vs. Machine-Made Pasta And Meatballs

Adults Film Food Health
Handmade versus machine-made pasta. Is one really easier than the other and can you taste the difference?

Ultimate Pork Belly

Adults Family Film Food
This is one of those recipes you just need to bookmark and come back to again and again! If you are a meat eater, then this is one of those utterly impressive recipes to have in the repertoire! Look at those juices! Look at that crackling!

Primitive Technology: Crossdraft kiln

Adults Construction Environment Nature
Primitive Technology: Crossdraft kiln - Building a crossdraft kiln from scratch.

Ancient Rome’s most notorious doctor

Adults Health History Human
Learn about the Greek physician and philosopher Galen of Pergamon, whose experiments and discoveries changed medicine.

Why Can Soda Dissolve a Rat?

Adults Animals Health Science
Surprise! You won a rat in your soda!

Superheroes are Saving Us WRONG

Adults Film Media Science
What's more classic than seeing a hero swoop in at the last minute to catch a civilian falling through the air?

Why Apollo Astronauts Trained at a Nuclear Test Site

Adults History Human Science
Apollo astronauts trained in nuclear bomb craters at the Nevada National Security Site. But why?Thanks Audible!

The Cruel Irony Of Air Conditioning

Adults Environment Nature Technology
The technology we use to keep cool is heating the world in a vicious feedback cycle, so we need to improve it and use it less.

Can We Turn Earth Into a Spaceship?

Adults Environment Space Technology
World ending disasters are common place in science fiction, and usually an inventive plan is required to save the day.

Can you solve the dark matter fuel riddle?

Adults Design Education Science
An ancient, abandoned alien space station has been discovered. Can you beat everyone in the galaxy and reach it first?

Could Your Phone Hurt You? Electromagnetic Pollution

Adults Health Science Technology
Electricity is all around us, all the time. It makes our lives easier, safer, more fun and most of us never think about it. But is there such a thing as too much electricity? Electronic devices emit an electromagnetic field, which is suspected to cause cancer. We read countless sources on this topic to summarize the results of the latest research for you.

What Does Xanax Really Do To Your Body?

Adults Health Human Industry
What is Xanax or Alprazolam? A popular drug of choice for teens and adults has some pretty bad side effects when used incorrectly.

The Romans flooded the Colosseum for sea battles

Adults Construction Creativity History
Dig in to the history of the Roman Empire’s staged gladiatorial naval battles and how they flooded the Colosseum to reenact famous battles.

Why We Should Invest In Rat Massage

Adults Human Industry Science
Basic research can seem wasteful, but it's actually a great economic investment.

What if a Radioactive Spider Bites You?

Adults Animals Media Science
Everyone knows that when you're bitten by a radioactive animal, you get superpowers... right? Kyle weaves a web of facts and math to ensnare the truth in this week's Because Science!

How a Fish Saved the Vikings

Adults History Nature Science
The Vikings suffered many hardships living in the north of Europe: long, cold winters and importantly a lack of sunlight. Luckily, they had cod.

Why You Shouldn’t Fear Death

Adults Human Psychology Science
The Dolan Twins, Cardi B and even YOU are going to die. So, this is how science can help you cope with death.

Where does NASA keep the Moon Rocks?

Adults Human Science Space
A HUGE thank you to Andrea Mosie - Lab Manager

What Happens To Your Body If You Get Stabbed?

Adults Biology Health Human
The answer isn't just "YOU DIE"! *puts away katana*