
How We Learned That Water Isn't An Element

For thousands of years, water was thought to be an element. That is, until some of the greatest chemists in the world managed to crack it open.

The world depends on a strange collection of items. They're not cheap

This government warehouse keeps our entire society up to standard.

What if We Replaced Nuclear With Potatoes

Energy use can be confusing – I mean, how do you compare gasoline in your car to electricity piped to your house? That's why we made these things spud-tacularly simple.

Food Myths: Do Carrots Improve Your Eyesight? | WIRED

Your parents always told you to eat your veggies, especially carrots if you want good eyesight. But can they really improve your vision? WIRED takes a look.

Crash Course Physics Preview

It's time! Crash Course Physics is coming soon and here is your introduction to our host for this series, Dr. Shini Somara. You can find out more about her linked below!

Fact vs. Theory vs. Hypothesis vs. Law… EXPLAINED!

ome people try to attack things like evolution by natural selection and man-made climate change by saying “Oh, that’s just a THEORY!”

4 Plants that Hunt Underground

Carnivorous plants tend to live in environments where the soil can’t provide enough of the nutrients they need to survive, so they have developed all sorts of methods to trap and consume the critters of the area, including hunting underground!

Harp Seal Pups are Losing their Homes I Our Frozen Planet I BBC Earth

On opposite ends of our planet, two remarkably similar stories are playing out... and what links them is our changing climate. Meet the scientists witnessing events unfold in these polar regions, and discover their hopes for a better future.

Let’s Travel to The Most Extreme Place in The Universe

This time you can join us on a journey through the microcosm. Curious? Head over to our shop and get it while supplies last.

Mushroom Wars

Two mushroom guilds with vastly different strategies are locked in competition for forest dominance.

A Molecule-Thick Coating Changes What a Surface Does, Thanks to Nanoscience

This episode was made in partnership with The Kavli Prize. The Kavli Prize honors scientists for breakthroughs in astrophysics, nanoscience and neuroscience — transforming our understanding of the big, the small, and the complex.

Stress is Bad for Your Health: Crash Course Public Health #5

Our identities, societies, and health are all mixed together in cool, weird, and often deeply unfair ways. One of the big factors that comes out of that mix is stress.

Primitive Technology: Smelting Iron In Brick Furnaces

I made 3 furnaces from bricks using different configurations to test their effectiveness. The benefit of using bricks to make a furnace is that it's quicker, easier, re-useable and portable relative to a furnace constructed in-situ from clay.

What Happens if a Supervolcano Blows Up?

The Earth is a gigantic ball of semi-molten rock, with a heart of iron as hot as the surface of the Sun. Titanic amounts of heat left over from its birth and the radioactive decay of trillions of tons of radioactive elements find no escape but up.

There’s No Such Thing As “Warm-” Or “Cold-” Blooded

The concept of warm-blooded and cold-blooded animals is outdated because there are actually tons of different animal thermoregulation strategies.

World's Largest Horn Shatters Glass

I might upgrade my car horn to this.

The Real Reason Leaves Change Color In the Fall

Want to learn more about the topic in this week’s video? Here are some keywords to get your googling started: Leaf senescence, chlorophyll, carotenoid, anthocyanin