Patagonia ambassador Kimi Werner strives to find her place in the ecosystem.
AdultsAnimalsNatureEnvironment...In Variables, Patagonia ambassador Kimi Werner strives to find her place in the ecosystem. She treads the line between predator and prey - eventually discovering balance in an unlikely place.
Birds-of-Paradise Project
AdultsAnimalsNatureScience...This fall, the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and National Geographic are bringing the Birds-of-Paradise Project to the public. Get an advance look now...and witness diverse strategies of evolution at work and experience one of nature's extraordinary wonders - up close.
The kakapo : A rare Bird
AdultsAnimalsNatureEnvironment...The kakapo is a large, flightless parrot from New Zealand and one of the rarest birds of all, with only 124 individuals alive today. The main reason for its decline is predation by introduced mammals, particularly feral cats.