
The continents are moving. When will they collide?

Adults World
Dig into the science of plate tectonics to find out when the next supercontinent will emerge— and how it could affect Earth’s environment.

The Race to Save Big Cats | National Geographic

Adults World
Paid Content for DHL. Cheetahs are in a race for survival.

What Happens if a Supervolcano Blows Up?

Adults World
The Earth is a gigantic ball of semi-molten rock, with a heart of iron as hot as the surface of the Sun. Titanic amounts of heat left over from its birth and the radioactive decay of trillions of tons of radioactive elements find no escape but up.

Financial Advisor Answers Money Questions From Twitter

Adults World
Kevin L. Matthews II, author and financial educator, answers questions from twitter about money and spending.

Why is Rain So Hard to Predict?

Adults World
There are two types of rain, and one of them is almost impossible to forecast.

The 11 Year Old World War 2 Soldier

Adults World
How young is too young to fight for your country? Check out today's insane video to find out how a kid managed to find himself in the thick of World War 2! Don't miss this epic true story of the youngest WW2 soldier!

Guardians of the Okavango | National Geographic

Adults World
Discover how the Okavango Eternal partnership is helping to create sustainable livelihoods while securing the future of this one-of-a-kind region.

Can the economy grow forever?

Adults World
Is infinite economic growth possible on a planet with finite resources? Explore how countries can balance efficiency with sustainability.

The Nucleus

Adults World
Hank does his best to convince us that chemistry is not torture, but is instead the amazing and beautiful science of stuff.

The 4 greatest threats to the survival of humanity

Adults World
Dig into the 4 biggest existential risks that threaten the survival of humanity, and explore how we can safeguard our future.

Farm That’s Bigger Than 49 Countries

Adults World
The Single Australian Farm That’s Bigger Than 49 Countries


Adults World
Why Almost Every Microwave is Made by the Same Company

Raiding a Killer Bee Hive | Primal Survivor: Escape the Amazon

Adults World
While traveling through difficult terrain in the amazon, Hazen Audel assists a local village with raiding a killer bee hive.

The Tree that Survives Without Rain| Earth’s Great Rivers II | BBC Earth

Adults World
In the midst of dry season, while most trees loose their leaves, the apple ring acacias at the Zambezi River is full of life, providing shelter and food for the animals.

Harvesting Wild Honey in the Amazon

Adults World
While traveling through the Amazon Rainforest, survivalist Hazen Audel locates a colony of bees and harvests honey for the 500 mile journey to come.

What is Sustainability

Adults World
Learn about the various ways that sustainability is defined.

How to Start a Community Project in 10 Steps

Adults World
Start a community group and improve your neighbourhood.