
How to survive if you get stranded on an island in the middle of nowhere

Adults World
What is one supposed to do, if you find yourself in the middle of nowhere? Here are some tips and advice on how to stay alive in the most deserted places.

New York: America's MEGACITY

Adults World
The story of New York City, America's megalopolis.

Why China is putting robots in nursing homes

Adults World
China has more than 230 million senior citizens. To keep them company, it's encouraging nursing homes to buy companionship robots.

World's 10 Most Prosperous Countries

Adults World
The top ten countries on the prosperity index, determined by rankings across nine key categories: Economic Quality, Natural Environment, Health, Social Capital, Personal Freedom, Safety and Security, Education, Governance, and Business Environment.

Cairo: MEGACITY of the Middle East

Adults World
Cairo, Egypt is the capital of the Arab world and the largest desert city on the planet. For centuries it has thrived alongside the Nile, the world's longest river.

Most hurricanes that hit the US come from the same exact spot in the world

Adults World
As Hurricane Irma bears down on the East coast, Floridians may be wondering where all the hurricanes come from, and why they all follow a similar course. In fact, Irma, Harvey, and Jose were all born on the other side of the Atlantic, off the coast of Africa, and the Sahara desert may be to blame.

What Happens If We Bring the Sun to Earth?

Adults World
What happens if we bring the sun to earth? No, seriously.

Will the ocean ever run out of fish? - Ayana Elizabeth Johnson and Jennifer Jacquet

Adults World
When most people think of fishing, we imagine relaxing in a boat and patiently reeling in the day's catch. But modern industrial fishing -- the kind that stocks our grocery shelves -- looks more like warfare. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson and Jennifer Jacquet explain overfishing and its effects on ecosystems, food security, jobs, economies, and coastal cultures.

The World's Fastest Growing MEGACITY

Adults World
Dhaka, Bangladesh - the capital of the most densely populated major country in the world - is also the planet's fastest growing city.

The World's Largest Airport | China's Future MEGAPROJECTS: Part 3

Adults World
China is building the world's largest airport, the Beijing Daxing International Aiport, to serve the Jing-Jin-Ji megalopolis.

Why Chinese Manufacturing Wins

Adults World
This video explains why Chinese manufacturing takes the first place worldwide.

How Do Glaciers Move?

Adults World
Glacier ice is weird. It's solid. Solid things aren't supposed to flow. But glacier ice flows like a liquid, and it does that without melting! How is this possible? I traveled to Mendenhall Glacier in Juneau, Alaska to find out.

More ice is about to break off of Antarctica - and it's what scientists feared most

Adults World
The giant crack that's been racing across Antarctica Larsen C ice shelf finally met its breaking point between July 10 and 12. The result was an iceberg the size of Delaware and weighing a trillion metric tons.

Neighbours: Explaining Canada Day to America

Adults World
Happy Canada Day!

The History of Hong Kong

Adults World
Its name means "fragrant harbor" in Chinese, but it could also mean city of change. This is the story of Hong Kong.

What Would Happen in an Apocalypse... According to Science

Adults World
Most people think the apocalypse would bring violence, crime, and selfishness. But according to scientists, that's just not realistic.

Overpopulation - The Human Explosion Explained

Adults World
In a very short amount of time the human population exploded and is still growing very fast. Will this lead to the end of our civilization?