Psychiatrists Can't Agree About This New Disorder
AdultsHealthHumanPsychology...Prolonged grief disorder recently debuted in both of the two manuals that clinicians use to diagnose psychological conditions. But the DSM and the ICD don't completely agree on what it is.
Rescuing A Chicken In A Snowstorm
KidsAnimalsHealthRelationships...David had been a weatherman for a long time, but this was the first time he had seen a chicken lost in a snowstorm.
Keep Calm And Recover From Surgery Faster
AdultsHealthHumanPsychologyCan keeping calm before a surgery reduce negative outcomes? More than one study says "Yes."
How Fitness Trackers Work
KidsDesignMovementTechnology...Kamri Noel wants to know: How do fitness trackers tell how many steps you’ve taken?
Scared Rescue Kitten
KidsAnimalsHealthRelationshipsBastet was found sacred and hurt but is on the road to recovery thanks to her rescuers.