The Ice Bucket Challenge Actually Worked
YouthGeneticsHealthScienceWorldCharity... The Ice Bucket Challenge raised millions of dollars for research into treatments for ALS, or Lou Gehrig's disease.
4.5 Billion Years in 1 Hour
AdultsEducationHistoryScience Earth is 4.5 billion years old - which is approximately the same amount of time it took us to create this video.
Animated Maps: The Five Deeps
YouthHistoryWorldScience In this animated map, we highlight the deepest spots in the briny deep that surrounds us.
New UFO "Evidence" vs. SCIENCE
AdultsCultureMediaPoliticsScienceSpace... Are we alone? Have aliens visited Earth? An age-old question that has been reignited by recent
declassified UFO/UAP footage and intriguing ‘whistleblower’ congressional hearings.
How Does A Tiger Go To The Dentist?
YouthAnimalsHealthScience We went to visit Elton, a tiger at Woburn Safari Park, to see him get a check-up from a pretty special dentist.
Why Korea is Dying Out
AdultsHistoryHumanScienceSocietyPolitics... Every two years one million Japanese disappear, China’s population will halve by the end of the century, the median age in Italy has reached 48. All around the world birth rates are crashing – Is humanity dying out? What is going on and how bad is it?
How One Line in the Oldest Math Text Hinted at Hidden Universes
AdultsEducationHistoryHumanScienceAstronomy... A huge thank you to Prof. Geraint Lewis and Dr. Ashmeet Singh for helping us understand the applications of Non-Euclidean geometry in astronomy/cosmology.
What Is Dust?
YouthEducationScience Are your kids wondering: What is dust? This question came from Deago, a student from the United States.