
What Is SPF?

Kids News contributor Sabrina Erin breaks down what SPF means in this video.

Part(icles) Of Your World

In this episode, Sabrina talks to us about matter and particles and that all matter is made up of particles.

The Four Spheres Part 2

In this episode, Sabrina talks about the Hydrosphere and the Atmosphere and what is contained in each one

The Four Spheres Part 1

In this episode of Crash Course Kids, Sabrina talks about two of the four spheres that make up our planet; The Geosphere and the Biosphere.

How To Get Resources

In this episode of Crash Course Kids, Sabrina talks about how humans get the resources we need to survive, even though those resources may come from a long way away.

Let's Understand Wildfires

Learn about an Indigenous practice using prescribed burns that fire officials use to fight out-of-control fires.

What's Matter?

In this episode of Crash Course Kids, Sabrina talks about what matter is and the three states of matter: Solid, Liquid, and Gas.

Computer Skills For Teens: Social Media Etiquette

YouthEducationHow-toSocial Media...
Without our usual visual cues, online interactions can sometimes lead to serious miscommunications. Learn a few tips to avoid this.

Why Is English Spelling So Weird?

Explore the evolution of English spelling conventions throughout history, and find out why it's such an inconsistent language.

School Absences

There are lots of different reasons children are not going to school. Newsround went to find out more.

Does Trash Last Forever?

Are your kids wondering, "Does trash last forever?" This question came from Clementine, a student from the United States.

Healthy Digital Life Balance

In this lesson you'll learn how to add balance between real life and digital life.

Intro To The Power Of Words

How can words have power?

Intro To Poetry

What is poetry and what are the rules for writing your own?

Why Are Butterflies So Colourful?

We go to Chester Zoo to answer one of your Big Questions on butterflies!

How Does Mail Get Delivered?

Are you wondering: How does mail get delivered? This question came from Violet, a student from Canada.

What's The Smallest Animal On Earth?

Are you wondering: What's the smallest animal on Earth? This question came from Brady, a student from Canada.