
Are Hurricanes Getting Stronger?

Although we’ll never see a Category 6 hurricane, data does show that more hurricanes are becoming more severe.

Befriending A Millipede

David Attenborough makes friends with one of natures creepiest crawlies: the millipede.

How Nature Can Protect Us From Droughts

Healthy ecosystems can reduce the negative impacts of climate change.

Lost In Light

Lost in Light, a short film on how light pollution affects the view of the night skies.

Agrology: Helping Farmers Grow More Sustainably

YouthEnvironmentGlobal WarmingTechnology
Adam and Tyler co-founded Agrology to help farmers adapt to changing climates.

Why Don’t We Cover The Desert With Solar Panels?

YouthConstructionGlobal WarmingScience...
Explore what would happen if we covered the Sahara Desert in solar panels, and the possibility of it solving our energy crisis.

Close Shark Encounter - Shark Ambassadors

Meet Debra and Vincent Canabal from Epic Diving, when they talk about their approach to shark diving at the world famous Tigerbeach.

Why Cities Need Trees

Explore what makes trees a vital part of cities, and how urban spaces throughout history have embraced the importance of trees.

The Tree That Survives Without Rain

In the midst of dry season, while most trees loose their leaves, the apple ring acacias at the Zambezi River is full of life, providing shelter and food for the animals.


What is geoengineering, is it really an option and what if it goes wrong?

Baby Pangolin And Her Best Friend

Meet the man who takes a baby pangolin for walks every day.

Water Fight!

So, what happens when there's not enough water? Well...not good things.

Earth Day 1970-2022

The first Earth Day was in 1970. What’s changed since?

Miracle Plant That Took 200 Years To Grow

David Attenborough delves into the story of an ancient "miracle plant" at Kew Gardens and explains how the workers at the gardens ensure no plant need ever go extinct.

Sea Women Of Melanesia

The Sea Women of Melanesia train local women to monitor and assess the impacts of widespread coral bleaching on some of the world's most endangered reefs.

Climate-Resilient Buildings

This UNEP publication demonstrates how buildings and community spaces can be constructed to increase their resilience to climate change.

Keeping An Eye On Ocean Garbage...From Space!

ESA is exploring how satellites can help detect and reduce plastic pollution in the ocean.