Every invention has an inventor. Here are some of the most famous inventors.

Leonardo da Vinci was an artist who loved to draw pictures. He drew many inventions. He only drew pictures of his inventions, but his ideas were amazing for his time. They were very imaginative.

Many people say that Leonardo da Vinci was ahead of his time. He thought of ideas that other people around him could never imagine. He was a genius in his time.

If you have a telephone or a cell phone, you have Alexander Graham Bell to thank. Bell was one of the first inventors to make a real working telephone. In 1876, he made the first phone call. He just called the next room. Soon, phone calls could be made from far away.

Marie Curie was a brilliant scientist. She was the first woman to ever win a Nobel Prize. She is still the only person to have won a Nobel Prize in two sciences! Marie Curie studied radioactivity, a new kind of science in her time.

Without Nikola Tesla's inventions, you would not be able to read this today. Nikola Tesla was an engineer. He invented the alternating-power system of electricity. It is the way we get power to buildings and homes.

Tesla wanted to make products he could patent and sell. He made an X-ray imaging machine. He made a wireless controlled boat and other gadgets. It took a lot of trial and error. Some were successful, but others weren't.

Not all of his products were a success. But we still have a lot to thank him for. Many new technologies were made possible thanks to Tesla.

Johannes Gutenberg invented the first printing press. Before his invention, people could not print books more than once. The printing press made books cheaper. It meant that many more people could learn to read.

Madam C.J. Walker was an inventor and entrepreneur. She was born in 1867. She had a difficult start to life. She was left as an orphan at the age of 7. She had no formal education.

As a young woman, she worked for a company selling hair products. She decided she wanted to start her own business. Walker invented her own new hair products for women. She made many of her own products such as shampoo and a hair-grower. She became the first self-made female millionaire in the USA.

It may seem like most inventors lived a long time ago. But there are many modern-day inventors. Mark Rober is an inventor with lots of talent. He is from California, USA. When he was young, he enjoyed making things. He made a pair of goggles that stopped you from crying while cutting onions as a child.

As an adult, he worked with NASA for 9 years. He helped design the Curiosity rover which was sent to Mars in 2011. He also worked for Apple as a product designer. Now, Rober teaches people about science. He makes YouTube videos testing many scientific theories.

An invention can change the world. Imagine how different your life would be without these inventions.