
What does Machiavellian mean?

What if a person is a good leader… and a bad person? In this episode of Crash Course Political Theory, we unpack that idea through the lens of Machiavelli’s famous treatise, “The Prince,” and find more questions than answers.

Is expensive Pasta worth it?

The pasta aisle at the grocery store has gotten completely out of control, so I bought a bunch of pasta and asked the question: Is expensive pasta actually worth it?

We need to talk about the future of home cooks.


Txt in English - Canadian College of English Language

Study English at the Canadian College of English Language in Vancouver, Canada. For more information contact our team.

Why having kids is ethical (if you want them) | Christine Emba

“In our current social and physical climate, there's a sense of fatalism, a fear that bringing someone new into the world might be a bad thing.”

The Radium Worked Until His Jaw Fell Off

We'd like to thank Luciteria for the loan of the element samples and the display in today’s episode.

Why Miners Are Flocking Back to This Abandoned Mine

There's a town in northern Mexico called Ojuela that's got a rich history of valuable mining industry, but nowadays is largely deserted.

How some friendships last — and others don’t - Iseult Gillespie

Explore how to build healthy habits when it comes to making, growing, and maintaining friendships.

Are you an ear rumbler?

Your body is a lot louder than you might think.

Ryan's experience studying English in Vancouver, Canada

Ryan speaks about his experience in Vancouver and how the Smrt program at the Canadian College of English Language helped him to improve his English.

Is The World Getting More Violent?

Ten years ago, in 2014, we released a video titled "Is War Over?". Back then, the question didn’t seem so naive. It seemed violent conflict was on the decline and the world more peaceful than ever.

The Power of the Pride | National Geographic | Mufasa: The Lion King

We’re heading back to the pride lands 🦁 Join National Geographic Explorer Bertie Gregory in conversation with Barry Jenkins, director of Mufasa: The Lion King, about bringing lions to life in the film and the efforts to protect them in the wild.

Ultimate Turkey Sandwich | Jamie's Christmas Shortcuts

A savoury twist on the classic tarte tatin, this is a brilliant way to transform any leftover veggies into a delicious pastry dish. On the way, pick up all sorts of helpful tips and cheats. Marmalade for that extra sweet glaze? You better believe it!

Android App Download

Download the new app on Android devices.

4 Steps to Unlock Your Kid's Math Potential | Shalinee Sharma | TED

Math isn't just for "math kids" — it's for everyone, says learning expert Shalinee Sharma. She outlines four simple steps to transform your approach to math, creating an environment where any kid can develop a strong mathematical mind.

You're Probably Wrong About Rainbows

You probably don’t understand how a rainbow really works. Get a little smarter every day with Brilliant.

iOS App Download

Download the new app on Apple iOS devices.

What staying up all night does to your brain - Anna Rothschild

Explore how pulling an all-nighter can impact your cognitive function, and find out what happens to your brain when you don't sleep.

Are Scientists Going Extinct?

AdultsArtificial IntelligenceFutureScience...
AI is evolving so fast that soon it might be able to take over scientific research...but what would that look like?

Surf in English - Canadian College of English Language

Study English at the Canadian College of English Language in Vancouver, Canada. For more information contact our team.

Black Hole's Evil Twin - Gravastars Explained

Gravastars could change how we think about the universe. These cosmic objects solve black holes’ biggest problems without breaking physics. From their ultra-thin shell to their energy-filled core, gravastars are both elegant and terrifying. But what exactly are they?