Simply Delicious Thoughts with Cookie Monster
AdultsFoodPhilosophyEntertainmentCookie Monster Has Some deep Thoughts On The Philosophy Of Food.
Exploring other dimensions - Alex Rosenthal and George Zaidan
AdultsPhysicsScienceBooks...Imagine a two-dimensional world -- you, your friends, everything is 2D. In his 1884 novella, Edwin Abbott invented this world and called it Flatland. Alex Rosenthal and George Zaidan take the premise of Flatland one dimension further, imploring us to consider how we would see dimensions different from our own and why the exploration just may be worth it.
What's invisible? More than you think
AdultsScienceWorldPsychology...Gravity. The stars in day. Thoughts. The human genome. Time. Atoms. So much of what really matters in the world is impossible to see. A stunning animation of John Lloyd's classic TEDTalk from 2009, which will make you question what you actually know.
The hidden meanings of yin and yang
AdultsHistorySpiritualityPhilosophy...The ubiquitous yin-yang symbol holds its roots in Taoism/Daoism, a Chinese religion and philosophy. The yin, the dark swirl, is associated with shadows, femininity, and the trough of a wave; the yang, the light swirl, represents brightness, passion and growth. John Bellaimey explains why we all contain the spirit of yin and of yang -- and how we can achieve a balance of both in our lives.
Would You Take This Bet?
AdultsLifePhilosophyPsychology...Psychological literature shows that we are more sensitive to small losses and than small gains, with most people valuing a loss around 1.5-2.5 times as much as a gain. This means that we often turn down reasonable opportunities for fear of the loss. However over the course of our lives we will be exposed to many risks and opportunities and this invariably means that taking every small reasonable bet will leave us better off than saying no to all of them.
Why Does Time Go Forward?
AdultsFuturePhilosophyScience...The past is different from the future. Why?
The Meaning of Life, explained by 3rd Graders
AdultsLifePhilosophyEducationAt 6 years old, your whole life stretches ahead of you.
Why Does Billionaire Mark Zuckerberg Wear The Same Shirt Everyday?
AdultsLeadershipPhilosophyBusiness...Whether you're a fashionista or prefer to dress super laid-back, Mark Zuckerberg's reasoning for his one t-shirt wardrobe is pretty genius. We spend a lot of time on trivial decisions when we could use that energy on something more productive.
Why can't we see evidence of alien life?
AdultsLifeSpaceScience...Stand by for an animated exploration of the famous Fermi Paradox. Given the vast number of planets in the universe, many much older than Earth, why haven't we yet seen obvious signs of alien life? The potential answers to this question are numerous and intriguing, alarming and hopeful.
It's Time To Put Down Your Phone And Evaluate Your Social Life
AdultsInternet CulturePhilosophySocial Media...This video called "Can We Auto-Correct Humanity" reminds you of the impacts of technology.
Rita Pierson: Every kid needs a champion
AdultsEducationPhilosophyHumanRita Pierson, a teacher for 40 years, once heard a colleague say, "They don't pay me to like the kids." Her response: "Kids don't learn from people they don't like.'" A rousing call to educators to believe in their students and actually connect with them on a real, human, personal level.
A Message to the Depressed.
AdultsMental HealthPhilosophyPsychology...Depression is frightening but you're never alone.
My Mom's Motorcycle: My Rode Reel
AdultsFamilyHistoryPhilosophy...This is a short film about how my mom became the owner of a motorcycle for the My Rode Reel competition. More deeply it is about how people use objects to connect with times, ideas, and people.
Why waste time? It doesn't earn interest.
AdultsLifePhilosophyProductivity"Why waste time? It doesn't carry over to the next day. It doesn't earn interest. Take every day and every moment, and make something of it. Make something positive." - Elvis de Leon
Inspiring Video Of The Day: I Like Being 98.
AdultsLifePhilosophyHumanThis film tells the story of Evelyn who, despite her limited resources, goes out of her way to help her neighbour.
Trust Yourself - Arnold Schwarzenegger
AdultsLifePhilosophySelfFeatures words from Arnold's "Life's 6 Rules" speech.
Sam Harris - It Is Always Now
AdultsPsychologyScienceSociety...Sam Harris, an American neuroscientist, author, and philosopher, shares his concept of the present moment and why it matters to live in the now rather than wait for the "now" of the future. Remember to live for each and every moment.
Kid President's 20 Things We Should Say More Often
AdultsHumorPhilosophySociety...Kid President believes the things we say can help make the world more awesome. Here he shares a special list of 20 things we should say more often. What would you add to it?
Elizabeth Gilbert: Your elusive creative genius
AdultsCreativityPhilosophyArt..."Eat, Pray, Love" Author Elizabeth Gilbert muses on the impossible things we expect from artists and geniuses -- and shares the radical idea that, instead of the rare person "being" a genius, all of us "have" a genius. It's a funny, personal and surprisingly moving talk.