Teacher Notes
Objectives & Sequence: This lesson is intended to be used as a review of Grammar 5-3.
The following vocabulary words are used in this activity:
In pairs, students take turns asking their partner if they have any of the listed objects in the specified places. Students should answer both using short and long answers to practice form:
- on your street
- apartments
- police stations
- garages

Are there any apartments on your street?
Yes, there are. There are some apartments on my street.

Are there any police stations on your street?
No, there aren't. There aren't any police stations on my street.

Are there any post offices on your street?
Yes, there are. There is a garage on my street.

Ask your partner about the following places and things:
- in your house
- chairs
- bathrooms
- jars
- monsters
- in your neighbourhood
- aliens
- shops
- bus stops
- schools
- in your pocket
- money
- gold
- keys
- cellphone
- at your school
- bathrooms
- paper
- tables
- good students
- in your bedroom
- TVs
- clothes
- blankets
- brothers or sisters
- in your backpack/bag
- tools
- money
- books
- diamonds
- in your country
- cities
- mountains
- kangaroos
- dragons
- in your car
- turbo
- horsepower
- V8
- passengers