Vocabulary Slideshow

Vocabulary List

  Word Part of Speech Example
A/C Noun I only use my car’s A/C when the weather is hot.
able Adjective I wasn't able to understand the English in the movie.
adjust (to) Verb It's difficult to adjust to a new job.
all wheel drive (AWD) Noun My new sedan has awesome traction because it is an all wheel drive.
amount Noun You are eating a very large amount of food!
area Noun This area of the city is much quieter than downtown.
assist Verb I need help. Can you assist me with this repair?
average Noun, Adjective How much time do you spend on homework every day on average?
band Noun I saw three different bands play at a concert last night.
blood Noun There's blood on the floor! What happened?
bone Noun We have many bones in our bodies.
candy Noun This candy is so sweet.
cash register Noun My job is to work the cash register at the store.
chain Noun My car doesn’t need a new belt. It uses chains.
cheat Verb You shouldn't cheat on a test.
corrode Verb Weather can corrode the steel and metal on your car.
crazy about Idiom I'm crazy about food. I always watch cooking shows on TV when I'm at home.
creative Adjective I like my job because it lets me be creative.
current Adjective I have no idea about current world news.
eat out Phrasal Verb Do you want to eat out tonight? I'm too tired to make dinner.
electricity Noun It's so windy the electricity has stopped working.
element Noun, Verb Outside elements can rust and corrode steel.
feel Verb How do you feel about my decision?
fight Noun, Verb There are lots of fights in hockey.
focus on Phrasal Verb Let's focus on vocabulary in today's class.
frost Noun, Verb I clear the frost off my windshield on a cold day.
hard-working Adjective He is a really hard-working student.
have Verb Michelle is having a baby next week.
instead of Preposition Let's drink tea instead of coffee today.
international Adjective This is not an international airport. Airplanes do not go to different countries from here.
into Preposition I'm not really into this kind of music. Can we listen to something else?
knock Noun, Verb Your car makes a knock sound because you use the wrong kind of fuel.
lie Verb Don't believe him. He always lies.
look forward to Phrasal Verb Are you looking forward to your vacation next week?
mind Verb I don't mind pop music, but it's not my favourite.
natural Adjective Natural elements can damage a car’s body and chassis.
package Noun This package is so difficult to open!
part-time Adjective, Adverb I think I should get a part-time job for after school.
pop Noun My car makes a pop sound when I turn.
quarter Adjective, Noun Your coolant is a quarter full. I would fill it soon.
regular Adjective My regular bus was late this morning.
restore Verb I am going to restore my classic car because I want it to look new.
screw Noun, Verb I can’t find the last tiny screw for this car door.
skip Verb I'm tired. I think I'm going to skip class tonight and stay home.
stall Verb If your car stalls when you try to start it, it could be the electrical system or the fuel system.
squeak Noun, Verb That squeak sound could be your chassis or your brakes.
squeal Noun, Verb A worn fan belt can make a squeal sound.
tiny Adjective Smart Cars are really tiny.
warm up Phrasal Verb Start your car and warm it up for a few minutes before driving in cold weather.
work out Phrasal Verb I'm going to the gym to work out.


Intro 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


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Audio #1


Audio #2


Audio #3


Audio #4


Audio #5


Audio #6


Audio #7


Audio #8




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