Vocabulary List

Worda bit
Part of SpeechAdverb
ExampleIt's raining a bit outside.
Part of SpeechAdjective
ExampleThe average temperature in this city is 16 degrees Celsius.
Part of SpeechAdjective
ExampleThe weather today is just awful! Let's stay home.
Part of SpeechNoun, Verb
ExampleI barbecued some steak for dinner last night.
Wordbe supposed to
Part of SpeechPhrase
ExampleWhat's the weather supposed to be like tomorrow?
Part of SpeechNoun, Verb
ExampleThe flowers have finally bloomed! They're so beautiful!
Part of SpeechVerb
ExampleWe buried my grandfather after he died.
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleCelsius is the measurement of temperature used in most countries of the world.
Part of SpeechVerb
ExampleIf you aren't happy with your food, you should complain to the waiter.
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleI would like to travel to each of the world's continents in the future.
Part of SpeechAdjective
ExampleIt's usually pretty cool in the mornings here. It gets warmer in the afternoons.
Wordcool down / off
Part of SpeechPhrasal Verb
ExampleThe temperatures cooled off yesterday.  It was nice not to be so hot.
Part of SpeechNoun, Verb
ExampleSnow has covered the ground.
Part of SpeechAdjective
ExampleBecause of the nice weather, the park's going to be a little crowded.
Part of SpeechAdjective
ExampleHer hair was still damp from her shower when she arrived at work in the morning.
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleIt's so hot! It's almost 100 degrees Fahrenheit today.
Part of SpeechAdjective
ExampleI get so depressed when the weather is awful. Maybe it's time to move.
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleThere are many deserts around the world, but I think the Sahara Desert is the most well-known.
Part of SpeechVerb
ExampleThe temperature is going to drop tomorrow.
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleThere has been drought in the country for five years. Food is in very short supply.
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleThe dust in this room is very bad for my allergies.
Part of SpeechAdjective
ExampleIt has been raining the entire day.
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleWater boils at 212 degrees Fahrenheit.
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleThat tree is about 20 feet tall.
[above / below]
Part of SpeechAdjective
ExampleIn the spring, the temperatures are above freezing.
Part of SpeechAdjective
ExampleIt is so humid today. It's really hot and wet.
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleThe humidity makes me a little uncomfortable.
Part of SpeechAdjective
ExampleThe girl has a lot of imaginary fears about monsters.
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleThere are twelve inches in a foot.
Part of SpeechNoun, Verb
ExampleThere has been an increase in the number of traffic accidents recently because of the bad weather.
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleLightning can be a dangerous part of storms.
Part of SpeechAdjective
ExampleWinning the lottery is not very likely.
Part of SpeechNoun, Adjective
ExampleDo you live on one of the islands or on the mainland?
Part of SpeechAdjective
ExampleIt is a very mild spring day. You don't need to wear a jacket; just a sweater will do.
Part of SpeechAdjective
ExampleThe weather in November was miserable.
Part of SpeechNoun, Adjective
ExampleMy native language is English.
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleLet's go to the park and have a picnic!
Part of SpeechAdjective
ExampleThe weather is really pleasant today.  Let's go outside!
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleIs there a possibility that it will rain today?
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleIn preparation for the wedding, both Julie and Pete have been on a diet.
Part of SpeechVerb
ExampleScientists have recorded high temperatures in the area.
Part of SpeechVerb
ExamplePlease remove your hats in my class.
Part of SpeechNoun, Verb
ExampleThe news has reported that global temperatures rose 0.2 degrees Celsius last year.
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleWould you like the rest of the spaghetti? There’s still some left.
Part of SpeechNoun, Verb
ExampleThe price of gas has risen a lot since I was a child.
Part of SpeechAdjective
ExampleI got soaked while I was walking home in the rain yesterday.
Part of SpeechNoun, Verb
ExampleLightning struck only five metres from where I was standing.
Part of SpeechNoun, Verb
ExampleLet's go for a stroll in the park this afternoon.
Part of SpeechAdjective
ExampleI can't open the window. It's stuck.
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleI have a sunburn from playing soccer outside.
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleThis room is so bright because of all the sunlight it gets during the day.
Wordtake place
Part of SpeechPhrasal Verb
ExampleThe festival takes place on Saturday and Sunday.
Part of SpeechNoun, Verb
ExampleMy skin always burns in the sun, but yours tans. I'm jealous!
Part of SpeechPreposition, Adverb
ExampleI slept throughout the entire movie.
Part of SpeechAdjective
ExampleI would love to be somewhere tropical and warm right now.
Part of SpeechAdjective
ExampleIt's unknown why Chris hasn't come to work today. We can't seem to contact him.
Wordwarm up
Part of SpeechPhrasal Verb
ExampleIt's going to warm up again this weekend.  I'm planning to go camping!
Wordweather forecast
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleHave you seen the weather forecast for the week? It’s supposed to be warm and sunny.
  Word Part of Speech Example
a bit Adverb It's raining a bit outside.
average Adjective The average temperature in this city is 16 degrees Celsius.
awful Adjective The weather today is just awful! Let's stay home.
barbecue Noun, Verb I barbecued some steak for dinner last night.
be supposed to Phrase What's the weather supposed to be like tomorrow?
bloom Noun, Verb The flowers have finally bloomed! They're so beautiful!
bury Verb We buried my grandfather after he died.
Celsius Noun Celsius is the measurement of temperature used in most countries of the world.
complain Verb If you aren't happy with your food, you should complain to the waiter.
continent Noun I would like to travel to each of the world's continents in the future.
Adjective It's usually pretty cool in the mornings here. It gets warmer in the afternoons.
cool down / off Phrasal Verb The temperatures cooled off yesterday.  It was nice not to be so hot.
cover Noun, Verb Snow has covered the ground.
crowded Adjective Because of the nice weather, the park's going to be a little crowded.
damp Adjective Her hair was still damp from her shower when she arrived at work in the morning.
Noun It's so hot! It's almost 100 degrees Fahrenheit today.
depressed Adjective I get so depressed when the weather is awful. Maybe it's time to move.
desert Noun There are many deserts around the world, but I think the Sahara Desert is the most well-known.
Verb The temperature is going to drop tomorrow.
drought Noun There has been drought in the country for five years. Food is in very short supply.
dust Noun The dust in this room is very bad for my allergies.
entire Adjective It has been raining the entire day.
Fahrenheit Noun Water boils at 212 degrees Fahrenheit.
Noun That tree is about 20 feet tall.
[above / below]
Adjective In the spring, the temperatures are above freezing.
humid Adjective It is so humid today. It's really hot and wet.
humidity Noun The humidity makes me a little uncomfortable.
imaginary Adjective The girl has a lot of imaginary fears about monsters.
inch Noun There are twelve inches in a foot.
increase Noun, Verb There has been an increase in the number of traffic accidents recently because of the bad weather.
lightning Noun Lightning can be a dangerous part of storms.
likely Adjective Winning the lottery is not very likely.
mainland Noun, Adjective Do you live on one of the islands or on the mainland?
Adjective It is a very mild spring day. You don't need to wear a jacket; just a sweater will do.
miserable Adjective The weather in November was miserable.
native Noun, Adjective My native language is English.
picnic Noun Let's go to the park and have a picnic!
pleasant Adjective The weather is really pleasant today.  Let's go outside!
possibility Noun Is there a possibility that it will rain today?
preparation Noun In preparation for the wedding, both Julie and Pete have been on a diet.
Verb Scientists have recorded high temperatures in the area.
remove Verb Please remove your hats in my class.
Noun, Verb The news has reported that global temperatures rose 0.2 degrees Celsius last year.
Noun Would you like the rest of the spaghetti? There’s still some left.
rise Noun, Verb The price of gas has risen a lot since I was a child.
soaked Adjective I got soaked while I was walking home in the rain yesterday.
strike Noun, Verb Lightning struck only five metres from where I was standing.
stroll Noun, Verb Let's go for a stroll in the park this afternoon.
stuck Adjective I can't open the window. It's stuck.
sunburn Noun I have a sunburn from playing soccer outside.
sunlight Noun This room is so bright because of all the sunlight it gets during the day.
take place Phrasal Verb The festival takes place on Saturday and Sunday.
tan Noun, Verb My skin always burns in the sun, but yours tans. I'm jealous!
throughout Preposition, Adverb I slept throughout the entire movie.
tropical Adjective I would love to be somewhere tropical and warm right now.
unknown Adjective It's unknown why Chris hasn't come to work today. We can't seem to contact him.
warm up Phrasal Verb It's going to warm up again this weekend.  I'm planning to go camping!
weather forecast Noun Have you seen the weather forecast for the week? It’s supposed to be warm and sunny.