How many apples are there?
There are many apples.

How much rice is there?
There is a lot of rice.

How many cars are there?
There are two cars.

How much fruit is there?
There is a lot of fruit.

How many men are there?
There aren’t any. There is a woman.

How much water is there?
There is a lot of water.

How many houses are there?
There is a house

How much traffic is there?
There is a lot of traffic.
We use “how many” for things we can count. Generally it is things we can make plural.
نستخدم "how many" للأشياء التي بإمكانها أن تعد. بصفة عامة أنها الأشياء التي يمكن أن تحول إلى صيغة الجمع.
We use “how much” for things we can’t count.
نستخدم "how much" للأشياء التي لا نستطيع عدها.
Negative + “much” / “many”
We use much and many with the negative.
نستخدم much وmany مع الجمل السلبية.
- There aren’t many apples in the refrigerator.
- There aren’t many flowers in the garden.
much (a small amount)
- There isn’t much water in the bottle.
- There isn’t much flour in the bag.
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