Josh has 1 wrench.

Peter has a lot of wrenches.
Singular Nouns
a... = 1 thing or person
- I have a truck.
- John is a manager.
- Susan is a nice person.
an... (not a...) before a / e / i / o / u
- Geoff is an accountant.
- He drives an expensive car.
- She works in an office.
Plural Nouns
...s = 2 or more
- motorcycles
- photos
- tools
- jobs
- streets
- brothers
- teams
...s / ...sh / ...ch / ...x + es
- addresses
- glasses
- buses
- wrenches
- boxes
...y → ies
- countries
- nationalities
- babies
- universities
- cities
...fe → ves
- knives
- wives
- leaves
- shelves
Special Nouns
Some plural nouns do not end with an s:
- tooth → teeth
- foot → feet
- child → children
- person → people
- man → men
- woman → women
If a noun is singular, it needs a singular verb. Use a plural verb if the noun is plural:
- Students
studiesstudy English in the school. - Six construction workers
isare working on the building. - My sister
areis studying to be a mechanic. - My dog always
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