
Crispy Prawn Parcels

This dish is so delicate, yet full of flavour! All you'll need is flour, water, and salt for the dough – add in some eggs and harissa paste with the prawn filling and you've got an absolute bundle of joy.

Nutritionist Answers Health Questions From Twitter

Nutritionist Dr. David Katz joins WIRED to answer your nutrition questions from the internet. How do you change your metabolism? What’s the best diet for health and longevity?

This Stir Fry Framework changed my life.

Being a home cook is hard, but this stir fry framework can help make your life easier.

Honey hunting in the dead of night | Primal Survivor: Extreme African Survivor

Hazen lowers a beehive from a tall tree and plunges his hand inside to get honey.

Sweet Pea Pesto Pasta | Jamie Oliver |

I've teamed up with Tesco to bring you great value ingredients, and delicious healthy dishes! - This is a paid ad in collaboration with Tesco.

Sticky Lamb Chops | Jamie Oliver

This brilliant sticky lamb chops recipe is so rich, a perfect meal to cook for the ones you love. And check out Jamie's tips on how to get that extra flavour boost, using orange peel, garlic, and thyme.

Does Fresh Garlic actually taste better than Garlic in a Jar?

How is garlic grown?

Traybaked Pesto Pizza Pie | Jamie Oliver

I'm so excited to share with you a brilliant recipe from my new cookbook, 5 Ingredients: Mediterranean!

Fragrant Veggie Curry | Jamie Oliver

If you ever find yourself coming to the end of your weekly shop with only a few odds and ends left in the fridge, Jamie's got the perfect hearty curry recipe for you!

Is "Wagyu" ground beef a scam?

What does Wagyu even mean these days? In this video, I want to start and get to the bottom of it.

Homemade Strawberry Vanilla Ice Cream | Jamie Oliver

Oh my word this no-churn strawberry vanilla ripple ice cream is so satisfying to make – and eat! If you've never tried making your own ice cream, now is the time. It's so easy and you can leave the mixture in the freezer to come back to weeks or months later! Delish.

0:01 / 5:10 Veggie Chilli | Jamie Oliver

The secret to this veg-packed chilli is dry-charring all the veg first, so you get a lovely smoky flavor right from the get go. Perfect for batch-cooking or doubling up to feed a crowd.

I make these Healthy Lunches when I'm feeling lazy.

Healthy Lunches

Super Veg Salad | Jamie Oliver

One of my signature platter salads, packed with color and fresh flavors, perfect for this time of year!

Why I Cook Meat Straight from the Freezer (& why you should too)

ne of the most annoying and frustrating problems as a home cook, is looking into the fridge on a weeknight and realizing either, the protein you got earlier this week is past the freeze-by date, you have no protein in the first place, or the pack of chicken you threw into the freezer is hours away from being thawed.

Gennaro's Mushroom Polenta

Gennaro's here and he's brought us all a treat... polenta with a mushroom ragù! In his classic rustic style, Gennaro shows us all the tips and tricks you need to build a rich, creamy ragù sauce.

Can I make Chipotle’s Burrito Bowl cheaper, healthier, and better tasting?

Can I make Chipotle's Steak Burrito Bowl cheaper, healthier, and better tasting? Let's see.

What Are Plants Made Of? Crash Course Botany

When you eat a salad for lunch, you’re digging into a giant pile of plant organs. That’s right—plants are made up of organs, only theirs follow a totally different set of rules from our own.

0:00 / 9:18 • Intro Jamie's Mega Meal Prep | Jamie Oliver

Save time, money, and energy, and create ten delicious meals in under an hour!

Corn Shouldn't Be Food, But It Is

You probably have a bag of frozen corn in your freezer, or have chowed down on a buttery ear of corn at a cookout.

Why I Cook Meat Straight from the Freezer

One of the most annoying and frustrating problems as a home cook, is looking into the fridge on a weeknight and realizing either, the protein you got earlier this week is past the freeze-by date, you have no protein in the first place, or the pack of chicken you threw into the freezer is hours away from being thawed.