This Guy Drums In Different Locations To Produce Different Sounds
AdultsCreativityMusicWorldListen and look how natural reverb affects the sound. This is how a drum sounds based on where it's played.
100 Places of Dance
AdultsCreativityMusicWorldI did the same dance routine in 100 different locations
World's First Wireless MIDI Guitar Controller for Acoustic Guitar - ACPAD
AdultsMusicTechnologyIs this world first wireless MIDI guitar controller for acoustic guitar gonna change the music world? Keep an eye on it!
Just a nice fluteboxing
AdultsCreativityInternet CultureMusicBecause Beatboxing Is Too Mainstream, He Presents You The "Fluteboxing"
Wheel of Musical Impressions with Jamie Foxx
AdultsMusicTVEntertainment...Jimmy challenges Jamie to a game of random musical impressions, such as John Legend singing the Toys "R" Us jingle.
Tom Hanks In Carly Rae - I Really Like You
AdultsMusicTVEntertainment...You'll Really Really Really Really Like Tom Hanks In Carly Rae Jepsen's New Music Video
Music as a language - Victor Wooten
AdultsLanguageMusicMusic is a powerful communication tool--it causes us to laugh, cry, think and question. Bassist and five-time Grammy winner, Victor Wooten, asks us to approach music the same way we learn verbal language--by embracing mistakes and playing as often as possible.
This Is The Most Epic Disney Medley A Cappella You Will Ever Listen To
AdultsFilmMusicEntertainmentThe performers Peter Hollens and Alex G are absolutely talented.
Special PVC Instrument
AdultsCreativityGadgetsMusic...Me performing a medley of recognizable songs on my PVC Pipe Instrument (2.0) inspired by the Blue Man Group at the Del Rey South Talent Show at LMU.
Sam Smith "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas"
AdultsArtMusicEntertainment...Sam Smith's debut album 'In The Lonely Hour' is out now!
Why Music Moves Us
AdultsHumanMusicNeuroscience...Why does music make us feel happy or sad? Or angry or romantic? How can simple sound waves cause so much emotion? I went from my comfy chair to the streets of Austin to investigate how it might be written into our neuroscience and evolution. Modern neuroscience says our brains may be wired to pick certain emotions out of music because they remind us of how people move!
AdultsArtMusicTechnology...The performers Saya Watatani and Maki Yokoyama look like two Tinker Bells dancing together!
Ohio State Marching Band
AdultsMusicSportsEntertainmentOhio State's marching band performs during the Oct. 18 Buckeyes game versus Rutgers. Theme: Classic Rock.
Perth Train Party
AdultsMusicTransportationSociety...Social artist Peter Sharp doesn't want money, he just wants to spread a little bit of happiness to the crowd!
Ed Sheeran - Wayfaring Stranger
AdultsMusicSoftware EngineeringTechnology...Using an app on the Iphone named "Voice Jam" my friend just busted out singing in my garage! i thought it was amazing and so did many other people that I have showed this video to. Just want to see you what you, YouTube viewers think of him, so if you like it Like and Subscribe and there will be more Covers soon! Tell me what you guys n gals think about it!
Knock Knock
AdultsMusicTechnologyEntertainment...Ukrainian band Brunettes Shoot Blondes release a new music video "Knock Knock" that is performed on 14 screens.