
Why the Future of Cars is Electric

Electric cars are now ready to take over thanks to advances in battery technology and their inherent benefits: torque, handling, maintenance.

Can We Turn Earth Into a Spaceship?

World ending disasters are common place in science fiction, and usually an inventive plan is required to save the day.

Could We Survive Without the Sun? | Because Space

While gremlins, goblins, and Mr.Burns may think it sounds like a good idea, would a world without the Sun even be possible?

Emerging Trends in Education

TeachersEducationFutureTeacher Cafe...
Today’s classrooms must prepare students for careers and challenges that don’t yet exist. Here’s a look at research-based trends to watch and resources to help your school prepare students for what’s next.

The Future of War, and How It Affects YOU (Torpedo/Missiles vs Ship)

It's a strange feeling to share this aspect of my life. I'm taking a break to go back to school, but here's a peek into the part of my life I've kept hidden from the internet for many years.

Why Earthquakes Are So Hard To Predict

Scientists are trying to figure out if they can predict big earthquakes by simulating small quakes in labs and studying big quakes under the ocean. Thanks to the University of Rhode Island for sponsoring this video.

Building a Marsbase is a Horrible Idea: Let’s do it!

Humans love to explore. Strangely enough even horrible places – like Mars. Let’s see how building a Mars base could work and how insanely nerve-wracking exactly it would be.

Nujeen wasn't supposed to make it out of Syria, but that's not stopping her dreams.

Nujeen wasn't supposed to make it out of Syria, but that's not stopping her dreams.

End of Space – Creating a Prison for Humanity

Space travel is the most exciting adventure for humanity, but in an irony of history we may stop ourselves from going into space the more we do it.

What we're learning from online education

TeachersEducationFutureTeacher Cafe...
Daphne Koller is enticing top universities to put their most intriguing courses online for free -- not just as a service, but as a way to research how people learn. With Coursera (cofounded by Andrew Ng), each keystroke, quiz, peer-to-peer discussion and self-graded assignment builds an unprecedented pool of data on how knowledge is processed.

What Does the Next- Generation School Library Look Like?

TeachersFutureReadingTeacher Cafe
What do libraries need to be doing to bring people back through their doors? With so many alternative ways to find information, libraries are now adapting and adding non-traditional elements to expand their offerings.

Does The Current Education Model Make The Grade?

TeachersEducationTeacher CafeFuture
A panel of experts discuss issues with education and what the future may hold. Watch the debate and have your own discussions with colleagues.

Highlights from Google's First Online Education Conference

TeachersFutureTeacher CafeEducation...
Google's first ever online education conference started with the simple question, "How do we prepare the students of today to be the digital leaders of tomorrow?" A series of presenters offered their answers to that very question.

Redefining the Role of the Teacher: it's a Multifaceted Profession

TeachersFutureTeacher CafeEducation...
Judith Taack takes a closer look at what being an educator really means. In the article she explains how teaching should be considered a trade rather than a profession and she addresses how culture has changed and so should teaching.

Significant Decision to Apply New Learning Trends in Education

TeachersFutureTeacher CafeEducation
Article by Claudia Glab-Link

Write a Letter to the Future

TeachersFutureSelfTeacher Cafe...
Students write an email to their future selves and it is delivered in the future.

4 Online Education Trends for 2014

TeachersFutureTeacher Cafe
Learning on the go, learning at the speed of need, gamification and videos are the leaders in new educations trends of 2014.

What If The Sun Disappeared For One Month?

What if the sun goes out right now?

Robot Tutors

TeachersFutureTeacher CafeTechnology...
Virtual teaching, is it here? With robots acting as tutors and class assistants the days of TA's and undergrads answering emails and questions from students may be coming to an end. Meet Watson, a robot that is able to answer emails and questions.

What would happen if every human suddenly disappeared?

If you enjoy this lesson, we highly recommend reading "The World Without Us."

Hey Buddy, Can You Give Me a Hand?

AdultsFutureMachine LearningTechnology
Are We Doomed? Boston Dynamics' Unsettling Robot Dog SpotMini Can Now Open The Door