Graphene Could Solve the World's Water Crisis
AdultsFutureNatureTechnology...Turning saltwater into clean drinking water is an expensive, energy-intensive process, but could the wonder material graphene make it more accessible?
Why Atlanta's Mercedes-Benz Stadium Matters: Future MEGAPROJECTS
AdultsConstructionSportsTechnology...Atlanta's Mercedes-Benz Stadium is the most expensive stadium ever built. The $1.6 billion price tag was driven by a spectacular retractable roof design, an LED video board that is by far the world's largest, and the pursuit of LEED platinum certification.
Charge Your Cell Phone In 5 Seconds
AdultsGadgetsTechnologyFutureSupercapacitors: They'll enable you to charge your cell phone in 5 seconds, or an electric car in about a minute. They're cheap, biodegradable, never wear out and as Trace'll tell you, could be powering your life sooner than you'd think.
The History and Future of Everything -- Time
AdultsHistoryWorldScience...Time makes sense in small pieces. But when you look at huge stretches of time, it's almost impossible to wrap your head around things. So we teamed up with the awesome blog "Wait but Why" and made this video to help you putting things in perspective with some infographics!
14-Year-Old Prodigy Programmer Dreams In Code
AdultsEducationSoftware EngineeringTechnology...Fourteen-year-old programmer and software developer Santiago Gonzalez might just be the next Steve Jobs. He already has 15 iOS apps to his name and dreams of designing for Apple. At age 12, Santiago became a full-time college student and is on track to earn his bachelor's degree in computer science and electrical engineering by age 16. By 17, when most teenagers are excited to just have their driver's license, Santiago will have his masters degree.
The Sky Is the Limit for Drone Technology
AdultsGadgetsTechnologyFuture...It's one of the most important technologies of our time.
Look Into The Future With These Stylish AR Glasses
AdultsFutureGadgetsTechnologyThese augmented reality glasses are a standalone computer.
Can machines read your emotions?
AdultsFutureMachine LearningSoftware Engineering...Computers can beat us in board games, transcribe speech, and instantly identify almost any object. But will future robots go further by learning to figure out what we're feeling?
Genetic Engineering Will Change Everything Forever
AdultsBiotechnologyFutureGenetics...Designer babies, the end of diseases, genetically modified humans that never age. Outrageous things that used to be science fiction are suddenly becoming reality. The only thing we know for sure is that things will change irreversibly.
What is Random?
AdultsInternet CultureMathPhilosophy...Is the future of the universe already determined?
Ultra-futuristic self-driving 'Vision Next 100' BMW
AdultsSelf-Driving CarsTechnologyAutomotive...German car giant BMW unveiled its futuristic self-driving Vision Next 100 concept car as the company celebrates its 100th birthday in Munich, Monday.
Future Of Practical Power
AdultsEnvironmentScienceTechnology...The Wendelstein 7-X was a nightmare to build, but if it works it may light a new path to fusion energy.
Is Ultron Inevitable?
AdultsArtificial IntelligenceFutureTechnologyWill artificial intelligence ever surpass human intelligence? And if that happens, will AI be good or bad? Is evil AI like we see in Avengers: Age of Ultron... inevitable?
Head transplantation -- The future is now | Dr. Sergio Canavero
AdultsFutureHealthScience...His talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. "The earth is flat". "Home computers are useless". "Humanity is condemned to be starved". "Women are born inferior". Throughout the years, pioneering scientific discoveries overturn established theories, vibrant societies transcend dominant perceptions, bold individuals expand physical and intellectual limits proving everything wrong: This is the way in which we seek to improve our lives and to deepen the understanding of the world around us. At TEDxLimassol we are searching for the next refute in small and large things: In the universe and subatomic particles. In our societies and in our bodies. In our behavior, attitudes and perceptions. In our mental, physical and personal capabilities. Proving everything wrong is always the right thing to do.
GoPro: Climate Change and the Optimistic Future
AdultsFutureGlobal WarmingNature...Professor Richard Muller, of Berkeley Earth Foundation, discusses his views on climate change and how he hopes we can leave a better planet for our children.
Will 3D Printing Change Everything?
AdultsFutureGadgetsTechnologyHow will 3D printing change our world?
Productivity Future Vision
AdultsFutureProductivityTechnology...How could emerging technology transform the way get things done 5-10 years in the future? Watch Kat, a young independent marine biologist, and Lola, a corporate executive, work together in a highly interconnected and information rich future.