Why Music Moves Us
AdultsHumanMusicNeuroscience...Why does music make us feel happy or sad? Or angry or romantic? How can simple sound waves cause so much emotion? I went from my comfy chair to the streets of Austin to investigate how it might be written into our neuroscience and evolution. Modern neuroscience says our brains may be wired to pick certain emotions out of music because they remind us of how people move!
Can You Erase Bad Memories?
AdultsBiologyHumanNeuroscience...What if you could delete specific memories?
Dan Harris: Hack Your Brain's Default Mode with Meditation
AdultsNeuroscienceSpiritualityPsychology...Dan Harris explains the neuroscience behind meditation, but reminds us that the ancient practice isn't magic and likely won't send one floating into the cosmic ooze. He predicts that the exercise will soon become regularly scheduled maintenance, as commonplace as brushing your teeth or eating your veggies. Harris, an ABC News correspondent, was turned on to mediation after a live, on-air panic attack. His latest book is 10% Happier: How I Tamed the Voice in My Head, Reduced Stress Without Losing My Edge, and Found Self-Help That Actually Works--A
How Much Sleep Do You Actually Need?
AdultsHealthHumanNeuroscience...If you get too little, or too much, your brain could suffer.
7 Myths About The Brain You Thought Were True
AdultsMental HealthScienceHealth...Blow your mind with these brain myths!
How do we smell?
AdultsHumanNeuroscienceScience...An adult human can distinguish up to 10,000 odors. You use your nose to figure out what to eat, what to buy and even when it's time to take a shower. But how do the molecules in the air get translated into smells in your brain? Rose Eveleth charts the smelly journey through your olfactory epithelium and explains why scent can be so subjective.
Sam Harris - It Is Always Now
AdultsPsychologyScienceSociety...Sam Harris, an American neuroscientist, author, and philosopher, shares his concept of the present moment and why it matters to live in the now rather than wait for the "now" of the future. Remember to live for each and every moment.
Could Your Brain Be Hacked?
AdultsHumanProgrammingTechnology...Could technology be used to control your brain?
The effects of DBS on the motor symptoms of Parkinson's Disease
AdultsBiotechnologyHealthWellness...Andrew was diagnosed with Early Onset Parkinson's Disease in 2009 when he was 35 years old. He lives with his wife and two children in Auckland, New Zealand. In November 2012 and February 2013 he underwent a surgical procedure, Deep Brain Stimulation surgery, to help control his motor symptoms.