Derby the dog: Running on 3D Printed Prosthetics
AdultsAnimalsBiotechnologyDisability...See how unique, custom 3D printed prosthetics allow Derby the dog to run for the first time.
Where Do Birds Go In Winter?
AdultsAnimalsEcologyEnvironment...As winter approaches, V-shaped flocks glide overhead as the world's birds begin their long treks to warmer climates. Humans used to have some pretty crazy theories about where birds went for winter, like the moon, or to the bottom of the ocean.
Why Do Venomous Animals Live In Warm Climates?
AdultsAnimalsNatureScience...As a Canadian-Australian, I have always wondered why it is that Australia has so many venomous animals that can kill you while Canada has virtually none. But it's not just Australia - it seems like all beautiful, warm places are cursed with venomous native species. So I set out to find the truth: why have all these venomous species evolved in the world's best holiday destinations?
Frans Lanting: Photos that give voice to the animal kingdom
AdultsAnimalsNaturePhotography...Nature photographer Frans Lanting uses vibrant images to take us deep into the animal world. In this short, visual talk he calls for us to reconnect with other earthly creatures, and to shed the metaphorical skins that separate us from each other.
Scary black seadevil fish caught on video at depth of 1,900 feet
AdultsAnimalsNatureWildlife...Deep-sea anglerfish are strange and elusive creatures that are very rarely observed in their natural habitat. Fewer than half a dozen have ever been captured on film or video by deep diving research vehicles. This little angler, about 9 cm long, is named Melanocetus. It is also known as the Black Seadevil and it lives in the deep dark waters of the Monterey Canyon.
How Bees Can See the Invisible
AdultsAnimalsNatureBiology...Feeding and fertilizing. Bees are amazing social insects, and their relationship with flowers is one of nature's coolest examples of "mutualism". It got me wondering: How do bees see the world? Enjoy this look at how bees see in ultraviolet and even sense electric fields!
This Bird Chirps Just Like R2-D2 From "Star Wars"
AdultsAnimalsFilmEntertainment...We taught Bluey the budgie how to do R2-D2 and now he drives us crazy! He has two other budgies in his cage, and I think he's driving them crazy too!
AdultsAnimalsTechnologyNature...This Bird Can Mimic Laser Gun Sounds And It's Very Impressive
Life by the Numbers
AdultsAnimalsBiologyNature...There are now more than 7 billion human beings on Earth, and that got me wondering: How successful are we compared to other species? I take a look at out how our numbers stack up to some other domains of life. It turns out that biomass, or what things weigh, can be more important than how many of something there are. Find out how our numbers stack up against everything from bugs to bacteria, and get ready for some mind-blowing numbers!
Flying eagle point of view
AdultsAnimalsCitiesEntertainment...A world premiere!! Victor, our white tailed eagle has taken of from the summit of the Eiffel Tower. An amazing point of view! For the first time you will see how Paris looks like from the back of a bird. First gliding over the Trocadero, Victor then plunges at 180 km/h to the ground!
When The Lion Sees Its Rescuer
AdultsAnimalsHumanRelationships...Lions aren't that cruel. They know how to show their gratitude.