
This Particle Breaks Time Symmetry

Adults History
Increasing entropy is NOT the only process that's asymmetric in time.

World's First Car!

Adults History
I got to drive the world's first car (replica), patented by Benz in 1886

The complicated history of surfing - Scott Laderman

Adults History
Today, surfing is a multi-billion-dollar global industry, with tens of millions of enthusiasts worldwide. For some it's a serious sport; for others, just a way to let loose. But despite its casual association with fun and sun, surfing has a richer and deeper history than many realize. Scott Laderman shares the hidden history of surfing.

History vs. Che Guevara - Alex Gendler

Adults History
His face is recognized all over the world - the young medical student who became a revolutionary icon. But was Che Guevara a heroic champion of the poor, or a ruthless warlord who left a legacy of repression? Alex Gendler puts this controversial figure on trial in History vs. Che Guevara.

The myth of Prometheus - Iseult Gillespie

Adults History
Before the creation of humanity, the Greek gods won a great battle against a race of giants called the Titans. Most Titans were destroyed or driven to the eternal hell of Tartarus. But the Titan Prometheus, whose name means foresight, persuaded his brother Epimetheus to fight with him on the side of the Gods. Iseult Gillespie shares the myth of Prometheus.

Why Is Your Grandma So Short?

Adults History
Nutrition during the first few years of life has a huge impact on adult height, and since nutrition has been getting better over time, humanity - including your family - is getting taller.

Explore cave paintings in this 360 animated cave - Iseult Gillespie

Adults History
The paintings of our ancestors have been preserved in caves all over the world; the oldest we've found were made up to 40,000 years ago. What do these images tell us about the ancient human mind and the lives of their creators? In this special 360 TED-Ed animation, explore an ancient cave and its surroundings as Iseult Gillespie shares a brief history of cave paintings.

How aspirin was discovered - Krishna Sudhir

Adults History
4000 years ago, the ancient Sumerians made a surprising discovery: if they scraped the bark off a particular kind of tree and ate it, their pain disappeared. Little did they know that what they'd found was destined to influence the future course of medicine. Krishna Sudhir traces the history of aspirin.

An Asteroid Didn't Kill the Dinosaurs, Here's a New Theory About What Did

Adults History
A new scientific model has discovered what actually happened to the earth after the asteroid impact that killed the dinosaurs.

5 useless human body parts left over from evolution

Adults History
Your body is walking proof of evolution, but some parts have grown unnecessary over time. Here are five useless body parts left over from evolution.

A brief history of banned numbers - Alessandra King

Adults History
They say the pen is mightier than the sword, and authorities have often agreed. From outlawed religious tracts and revolutionary manifestos to censored and burned books, we know the potential power of words to overturn the social order. But as strange as it may seem, some numbers have also been considered dangerous enough to ban. Alessandra King details the history behind illegal numbers.

New York: America's MEGACITY

Adults History
The story of New York City, America's megalopolis.

Ancient Humans & Neanderthals Had Sex, Here's How It Changed Us Forever

Adults History
We've known for a while that ancient humans got busy with Neanderthals, but how exactly did that Neanderthal DNA affect modern humans?

The rise and fall of the Berlin Wall - Konrad H. Jarausch

Adults History
On August 13, 1961, construction workers began tearing up streets and erecting barriers in Berlin. This night marked the beginning of one of history's most infamous dividing lines: the Berlin Wall. Construction continued for a decade as the wall cut through neighborhoods, separated families, and divided not just Germany, but the world. Konrad H. Jarausch details the history of the Berlin Wall.

The myth of Cupid and Psyche - Brendan Pelsue

Adults History
Psyche was born so beautiful that she was worshipped as a new incarnation of Venus, the goddess of love. But human lovers were too intimidated to approach her, and Apollo recommended her father abandon her on a crag where she would marry "a cruel and savage, serpent-like winged evil." But Psyche's story ended up being much more interesting. Brendan Pelsue shares the myth of Cupid and Psyche.

How does the Nobel Peace Prize work? - Adeline Cuvelier and Toril Rokseth

Adults History
Among the top prestigious awards in the world, the Nobel Peace Prize has honored some of the most celebrated and revered international figures and organizations in history. But how does the nomination process work? And who exactly is eligible? Adeline Cuvelier and Toril Rokseth detail the specifics of the Nobel Peace Prize.

100 Years of Family Dinners ?

Adults History
Foodie fans, this one's for you! Whether you lean toward 1915-style roast beef and franconia potatoes, or if 2015's kale craze suits your taste, this look at food over the past century will satiate your palate.