The major project of this unit is a short presentation about yourself. In this presentation you want to tell your life story as well as what your future may be. This presentation is informal, but all presentations require a set of skills to make you look and sound professional.

Major Part of a Presentation

Introduction The introduction in this presentation explains who you are and what you are going to talk about.
Body This is where the content of the presentation goes. Here is where you tell your life story and what the future holds for you.
Conclusion The often overlooked conclusion is where you repeat the main points of your presentation and ask your audience for any questions.

Once your presentation has these three main parts, you also need to look at your personal delivery of the presentation. Look at the following skills that are very important for you to look and sound professional.

Presentation Skills

Posture The way your body is standing. Are you leaning forward or standing straight?
Eye contact Your audience will be more engaged and focused on your presentation if you are looking at them. Don't look only at one person. Look around the room and include everyone.
Voice Your voice is very important in presentations. You must learn to control the volume, speed, and pitch. All of these are important for keeping your audience's attention.


We will discuss these parts and skills throughout the quarter. Open the attached document to see your presentation prompt.
