Word | Part Of Speech | Example |
Advocate | Noun, Verb | The candidate does not advocate for reducing taxes. |
Ally | Noun | USA and Canada have been allies for decades. |
Appeal | Noun, Verb | Although the criminal was convicted of the crime, his lawyer has already announced plans to appeal the decision. |
Baby boomer | Noun | Baby boomers are people who were born immediately after the end of the second world war. |
Back | Verb | I will always back this political party, no matter who the leader is. |
Barrier | Noun | There are too many barriers for our company to do business in that country. |
Budget | Noun, Verb | You should definitely budget your money so that you can plan your life. |
Campaign | Noun, Verb | The politician has been campaigning for the past seven months. |
Candidate | Noun | You seem like an excellent candidate for the position. |
Citizen | Noun | Despite having lived in the country for many years, she is not yet a citizen. |
Claim | Noun, Verb | The politician claims he had nothing to do with the crime. |
Commit | Verb | I don’t want to tell you if I have ever committed a crime or not. |
Communism | Noun | Communism is a form of government where a country’s people are not allowed to own property. |
Controversial | Adjective | The movie about wrongly-accused criminal was very controversial. Many people were angered by it. |
Costly | Adjective | The campaign you suggested is too costly for us to consider. |
Council | Noun | He recently became the president of the council responsible for taking care of the apartment building. |
Death penalty | Noun | The criminal was sentenced to life in prison instead of the death penalty. |
Death row | Noun | Criminals who have been sentenced to death wait to be executed in a special part of a prison called death row. |
Democracy | Noun | Democracy is the system of voting for a country’s government. |
Determine | Verb | The type of job I find will determine the amount of money I will have to spend on an apartment. |
Devastating | Adjective | The government’s decision will be devastating for workers in that industry. |
Dictatorship | Noun | I would hate to live in a country where the government can do whatever they want. No country should have a dictatorship. |
Effective | Adjective | Her idea has not been very effective. In fact, it hasn’t worked at all. |
Elect | Verb | She wasn’t elected for the position as she was not popular enough. |
Evidence | Noun | There wasn’t enough evidence to put the criminal in jail. |
Execute | Verb | The criminal was executed at exactly 12:01am. |
Finance | Noun, Verb | I am planning to buy a new car next week. I am going to pay $10,000 and then finance the rest. |
Funds | Noun | The business has enough funds to start a new advertising campaign. |
Get rid of | Phrasal Verb | I would love to get rid of my car, but I’m not sure if anyone would want to buy it. |
Governor | Noun | Before Obama became president, he used to be the governor of Illinois. |
Guilty | Adjective | The child had a guilty look on her face. She must have done something wrong. |
Headquarters | Noun | The business’ headquarters are located in New York City. |
Impose | Verb | The company has imposed a new policy that no staff may wear perfume or cologne. |
Inmate | Noun | The prison’s inmates all wear orange. |
Innocent | Adjective | Despite what he says, you know he is not innocent! |
Investigate | Verb | The police are currently investigating the crime. |
Issue | Noun, Verb | This issue needs to be solved before we make any decisions. |
Justice | Noun | The person responsible for the crime needs to be found. I demand justice! |
Lay-off | Noun | Because of the bad economy, there were many lay-offs. |
Moral | Noun, Adjective | I would never steal anything as it is against my morals. |
Opponent | Noun | I am not very sure who my opponent will be in the election. |
Parliament | Noun | Parliament will vote on the new law next week. |
Parole | Noun | Although the woman was originally sentenced to twenty years in prison, she only spent seven years there and was released early on parole. |
Party | Noun | The politician’s party really cares about reducing pollution. |
Pass a law | Phrase | The government have recently passed a law to make driving while using a cell phone illegal. |
Policy | Noun | The store has an excellent return policy. You can return anything you don’t like up to a year after you buy it. |
Political | Adjective | She always likes to watch political documentaries. They are so boring! |
Poverty | Noun | Although the country has plenty of natural resources, it still has quite a lot of poverty. |
Process | Noun, Verb | Russia is now a capitalist country, but it used to be communist. The process for this to happen took many years. |
Prosperous | Adjective | She lives in a more prosperous part of the country. |
Publicity | Noun | Her actions received a lot of publicity from local, national, and even international media! |
Remain | Verb | Although most workers have already gone home, she remains at her desk. |
Representative | Noun | This seat is reserved for the representative of the company. |
Restriction | Noun | The restrictions in that country for downloading are quite strict. |
Sentence | Verb | The murderer was sentenced to death by the judge. |
Settle | Verb | Although my parents moved around a lot when they were younger, they finally decided to settle in this city about twenty years ago. |
Shrink | Verb | My sweater shrank because I put it in the dryer. |
Sloppy | Adjective | The investigation was rather sloppy. As a result, the person responsible for the crime was never found. |
Spokesperson | Noun | The spokesperson of the company is in no way the boss. |
Strict | Adjective | Is your teacher really strict like mine? |
Swap | Noun, Verb | The two teams recently swapped players. |
Take place | Phrasal Verb | The police have closed the area behind the building. Something terrible must have taken place. |
Upgrade | Noun, Verb | I am planning to upgrade the amount of RAM on my computer soon. |
Vital | Adjective | Taxes are vital for any country to have good social services. |
Vote | Noun, Verb | In the USA, people have to vote for the president every four years in November. |
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