Future Time - A time in the future (general or specific)

In this section of Unit 1, we’ll examine the future tense. ‘’Future’’ refers to any time after the present. This is everything that will happen later and not now.

Using "Will" and "Going to."

Use Will to show a future state, action, or event decided on the moment of speaking. Will is used to describe an event in progress at a certain time in the future that is unplanned. Follow the guide below:

Will Base Form
You'll need to bring back some gifts for your family.
  • You'll need to bring back some gifts for your family.
  • We'll go have a picnic another day since it's raining.
  • She'll go home after work.

Be going to usually shows a planned future or a future situation that is already developing. Use it to express a state, action, or event already planned before the moment of speaking.

Be Going To Base Form
I'm going to give you some tips on jogging.
  • I'm going to go home now because I'm exhausted.
  • They're going to go do something after dinner.

Using the Future Progressive: Will

We can use will when we say what we think will happen in the future.

Will Be Base Form + -ING
I 'll be relaxing in the sunshine in Hawaii a week from now.
  • I think I'll be enjoying the vacation.

Using the Future Perfect: "Will have"

Use the future perfect to show a state, action, or event that will happen before a certain time in the future.

Will Have Past Participle
You will have missed out on one of life's most exciting activities!
  • By the time we finish our trip, we’ll have visited many different countries.

You can also use the future perfect in the progressive.

Will Have Been Base Form + -ING
By the end of the month, you 'll have been travelling so much you won't want to go back home.


Open the exercise to begin the activity. Follow the instructions in the document.

