
Cut onion without crying

Jack Scalfani shows you the secret to cutting an onion without crying.

Watermelon smoothie hack in 2 minutes- No mess

Here is a simple trick to make you the boss of the picnic. Create a refreshing watermelon smoothie with essentially no mess in 2 minutes.

How to Make Mayonnaise - Gordon Ramsay

Gordon Ramsay shows how to make mayonnaise. His great recipe filmed for the Cookalong Live programme.

Astronaut Chris Hadfield and Chef Traci Des Jardins Make a Space Burrito

Keeping in mind the challenge of mixing food ingredients in micro-gravity, chef Traci Des Jardins concocts a recipe for spicing up astronaut Chris Hadfield's meals on board the International Space Station. Commander Hadfield also shares with Jamie and Adam the foods he misses most after spending six months in space.

Use a Cordless Power Drill in the Kitchen

A cordless drill is probably the last thing you'd imagine being useful in a kitchen, but over on Make Projects, DIYer Jason Poel Smith shows off how to use a drill to quickly clean dirty pans, as a mixer, cheese grater, and pepper mill attachment.