
Are Our Tendons Stronger Than Steel?

Dr. Chris and Dr. Xand show us what tendons do in our bodies and just how super strong they are!

The Last Star

The last star in the universe will be a red dwarf.

How Playing An Instrument Benefits Your Brain

When you listen to music, multiple areas of your brain become engaged and active.

Can Dogs Really Smell When We're Sick?

Dr. Chris and Dr. Xand use the help of a specially trained dog, Daisy, to detect many kinds of serious diseases in humans by smelling breath samples.

How We Are Going To The Moon

While Apollo placed the first steps on the Moon, Artemis opens the door for humanity to sustainably work and live on another world for the first time.

Why Do Honeybees Love Hexagons?

Honeybees are some of nature's finest mathematicians.