
This Crazy Tree Grows 40 Kinds of Fruit

Adults Art
Sam Van Aken, an artist and professor at Syracuse University, uses "chip grafting" to create trees that each bear 40 different varieties of stone fruits, or fruits with pits. The grafting process involves slicing a bit of a branch with a bud from a tree of one of the varieties and inserting it into a slit in a branch on the "working tree," then wrapping the wound with tape until it heals and the bud starts to grow into a new branch.

Igor Plastinkin "My Little Air.. "

Adults Art
This Crazily Talented Unknown Guitarist Will Melt Your Mind With This Song

Leaf illusion drawing

Adults Art
Which Of These Leaves Are Not Actually Real?

Miguel Rivera - Beat It (Michael Jackson) - Solo guitar

Adults Art
Beat it by Michael Jackson, arranged and performed by Miguel Rivera

Miniature Origami Robot

Adults Art
"An Untethered Miniature Origami Robot that Self-folds, Walks, Swims, and Degrades," by Shuhei Miyashita, Steven Guitron, Marvin Ludersdorfer, Cynthia R. Sung, and Daniela Rus from MIT and TU Munich, was presented at ICRA 2015 in Seattle.

Masterpiece for Osmo

Adults Art
Introducing Masterpiece, an Osmo app that will allow you to supercharge your drawing skills! Pick any image from the camera, curated gallery, or integrated web search and Masterpiece will transform it into easy-to-follow lines and help you draw it to perfection. You can then share a magical time-lapse video of your creation with your friends and family.


Adults Art
Peregrine Church creates street art that only shows up when it rains. Hidden when dry, these messages or images appear on sidewalks all over Seattle and are meant to brighten your day, even when it's gray and rainy!

Traditional Japanese Wood Joinery Is An Act Of Art

Adults Art
Interesting way of connecting wood beams.

Gravity Glue 2014

Adults Art
Stone Balance and Videography

How art can help you analyze

Adults Art
Can art save lives? Not exactly, but our most prized professionals (doctors, nurses, police officers) can learn real world skills through art analysis. Studying art like Rene Magritte's Time Transfixed can enhance communication and analytical skills, with an emphasis on both the seen and unseen. Amy E. Herman explains why art historical training can prepare you for real world investigation.

How It's Made, Decorative Candles.

Adults Art
Look for the trademarked six-sided ribbon candle Dutch Garden design including the windmill, tulips, hummingbird, butterfly, flower and swan, it's always from Holland House Candles , Inc.

Weeds - by Mona Caron

Adults Art
"I'm inspired by the resilience of weeds. I look for them in the cracks of the sidewalks near the walls I'm about to paint, then I portray them at a scale that is certainly bigger than the attention we pay them...."

Sam Smith "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas"

Adults Art
Sam Smith's debut album 'In The Lonely Hour' is out now!

Magician with the police.

Adults Art
December 5th around 3am I was pulled over. I told the cop I was coming from a Holiday Party in NYC. He asked why I had all the cards in my car and I told him I was a magician. He then asked me to show him a magic trick.

Light Balance, Britain's Got Talent

Adults Art
The Ukranian dance troupe of seven, who are making their debut performance in Asia, is part of the mall's line-up of Christmas events and activities. They will be performing from Nov 28 to Dec 7.

Why Van Gogh's "Starry Night" Is Actually An Art Of Science

Adults Art
Physicist Werner Heisenberg said, "When I meet God, I am going to ask him two questions: why relativity? And why turbulence? I really believe he will have an answer for the first." As difficult as turbulence is to understand mathematically, we can use art to depict the way it looks. Natalya St. Clair illustrates how Van Gogh captured this deep mystery of movement, fluid and light in his work.


Adults Art
The performers Saya Watatani and Maki Yokoyama look like two Tinker Bells dancing together!